View Full Version : Are these two photosynthetic?

05/25/2007, 04:33 PM
Hi. I'm not sure of the species on these - an acanthastrea and a favite. Pictures not optimum, but the best I can do till my new camera arrives. I've done some searching for a while but can't find the answers I need.

Are one or both of these considered photosynthetic? If not (or even if it would just be beneficial) what the best food for these?



Thanks much.

05/25/2007, 05:16 PM
yes photosynthetic
yes feeding would improve their colors and growth
feed mysis or krill or something similar

05/25/2007, 05:42 PM
Thanks for the information.

05/26/2007, 09:29 AM
First one is an Acan Echinata. second one could be a couple things. Favia or maybe Barabattoia amicorum. Both are photosynthetic but will react to target feeding. Keep that Echinata away from other corals. In a battle, echinata ALWAYS wins.

05/26/2007, 01:01 PM
Thanks for more info. The second should be a favia sp., as the guy I got it from raises corals for a living, and I'll have to trust what he says. I do plan on target feeding - started last night.