View Full Version : Need help with bubble algae...

05/23/2007, 01:37 AM

my tank has been up and running for about 10 months now and i have noticed bubble algae growingin certain areas on my live rock. are there any special crabs or fish that would take care of bubble algae? any help is greatly appreciated. thanks


05/23/2007, 07:04 AM
emerald crabs

05/23/2007, 06:53 PM
You can also try siphoning the bubbles out when you do water changes.try not to pop them.

05/23/2007, 07:36 PM
Siphoning doesnt really work with the small ones, so SOL with those but when they get big enough you can just pick them off.

05/24/2007, 01:03 AM
Yup...manual removal is easy. My emerald crab takes care of the rest, but it's hit and miss with emerald crabs.

05/24/2007, 09:34 PM
well, i dropped 2 good sized emeralds in there and they seem to pick at the smaller bubbles, hopefully they will be hungry enough to eat all of it. the larger ones were kind of easy to pick off, but after one popped in my hand i stopped picking them off due to frustration. i am going to see how well these emeralds do for a few days.

thanks for hte help guys....

05/24/2007, 09:58 PM
I had a small amout of bubble algae and my big emerald took care of it pretty well, it also ate my xenia as soon as I put it in the tank....now if I can only get something to eat red bubble algae

06/01/2007, 05:45 PM
Contradictory to the advice you always hear, I got so sick of the bubble algae in my tank I took a pair of tweezers and removed what I could then popped all the rest, then did a water change. All gone now.

If you do nothing, the bubbles eventually get huge and go sexual then REALLY start spreading so I figured if I destroyed them while they are young they don't have a chance to develop & spread their spores. Seems to have worked for now. If nothing else, at least they will be easier to control if they start popping up again. It makes sense and is hella lot faster than waiting for a stupid crab to eat them, which would involve them being popped, anyway-- it's not like the crabs swallow them whole.

06/01/2007, 06:04 PM
I never new this till I recently picked up a foxface .After a week my 55 gallon tank is completely clear of Hair algae and yes, bubble algae.