View Full Version : yellow cup coral HELP!!!

05/22/2007, 08:54 PM
I purchased a beautiful yellow cup coral about 1 month ago,
got it home put it in my tank around the bottom of the tank,
it started to get a brownish tint to it so I moved it half way up, it still continued with the brown tint so I move it toward the top. I have only had it there for a few days but I was wondering is there anything special that I should be feeding
I use DT's x3days week, coralife (invert smorgasbord) x3days week
spot feed w/ DT's frozen oyster eggs & mysis shrimp
nightly 1/2 tsp of a powder that is called Black powder 2 hrs before lights go out
am I feeding too much or should I be doing something different
oh yes I do have HO T5 lighting hood, 6 bulb
Thanks:( :confused:

05/23/2007, 06:54 AM
hey mine has done the same thing i have had it for about 3 weeks, it has always been at the top of the tank though about three inches from the surface. i hope someone can help you out cause i wouldnt mind knowing myself mate.

05/23/2007, 07:02 AM
what lighting conditions was it under at the store you go it from? may be stressed. i know chaging lighting conditions can and will change the color of corals.

05/23/2007, 07:05 AM
yellow cups are dyed ,they are just getting ther pigment back so thats relly a good thing. No pagoda cup is relly yellow all start out greenish brown.They dye more of these corals than any other. there is a good artical about this some where. I think its a relly bad practice if you ask me.

05/23/2007, 07:22 AM
the lights in the store were about the same as in my tank but cant say for sure,

i wouldnt be to happy if my LFS was dying there coral, to make it look nicer. would it be the LFS doing that or the people they get it off

05/23/2007, 07:39 AM
thye had theres under T5 lighting also
like the guy said from Australia, I am very disappointed if that is the case, thank you for the info.
I am sad to hear that it is dyed but glad to know that I am not killing it!

05/23/2007, 07:39 AM
they had theres under T5 lighting also
like the guy said from Australia, I am very disappointed if that is the case, thank you for the info.
I am sad to hear that it is dyed but glad to know that I am not killing it!

05/23/2007, 07:39 AM
they had theres under T5 lighting also
like the guy said from Australia, I am very disappointed if that is the case, thank you for the info.
I am sad to hear that it is dyed but glad to know that I am not killing it!

05/23/2007, 07:39 AM
they had theres under T5 lighting also
like the guy said from Australia, I am very disappointed if that is the case, thank you for the info.
I am sad to hear that it is dyed but glad to know that I am not killing it!

05/23/2007, 09:23 AM
It may not be dyed.. do you have a picture of this thing? I think in most cases if a coral is dyed the dye will leach out into your water coloring it whatever the coral was tinted to (I'd so want to kill someone if a coral got into my tank and did that)

Have you seen it creating any waste at all? Color changes under lighting can happen usually quicker from stress than from change in light - are your light bulb combos the same as the stores ? Each tank is different so I'd give it some time to settle in more and get happy

05/23/2007, 10:46 AM
I am not for sure if it has created any waste.
The flowers are still full and bloomed out, it looks like it is doing good except for the color!

05/23/2007, 05:11 PM
dyed corals are not dyed by the fish store but somewhere along the lines before the wholesalers I believe. most of the dyed corals I have seen have never lost their color that fast... i would test your phosphates and nitrates to see where they are at... if they are high they could have discolored the zooxanthelle

05/24/2007, 10:15 AM
The slightest change in color temperature in bulbs, can alter color. Antics give more color. So if the LFS used 20,000k and you have 10,000k then you will see a difference. If there antics were in the center, and yours in front, you will see a difference. But it could just be stressed. What type of lighting do you have?

05/24/2007, 12:40 PM

Gary Majchrzak
05/24/2007, 10:10 PM
Is your "yellow cup coral" Turbinaria reniformis or another type of cup coral?
T. reniformis is naturally colored yellow.
Other types of "cup corals" that are yellow might be dyed and usually are.
I doubt lighting has anything to do with the color change your coral is undergoing.

PS: the "flowers" are actually coral polyps and in Turbinaria reniformis they are very small.

05/25/2007, 06:06 AM
I looked him up in the book and yes it is a Turbinara spp.
the picture of him in the book is yellow but not as bright as the one that I have.
I am assuming that the "flowers" are a good thing because I see him eating regularly through the flowers but they are pretty large, probably about the size of a pencil eraser