View Full Version : Alveopora or Goniopora

05/21/2007, 02:45 PM
I bought this and thought it said it was an Alveopora, but after reading that an Alveopora only has 12 tentacles, I'm wondering if it's actually a Goniopora? Any thoughts?


05/21/2007, 03:07 PM
Goni. 24 tentacles per polyp

05/21/2007, 03:12 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9985530#post9985530 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MDeth
Goni. 24 tentacles per polyp


05/21/2007, 03:42 PM
:( That's what I was afraid of! Well, hopefully I'll be able to help it survive! It's been in my tank over a week and seems to be doing okay so far, and actually seems fuller then when I bought it. I'll be crossing my fingers!

Thanks for the help!:D

05/21/2007, 11:21 PM
Make sure to feed it.

05/22/2007, 12:02 AM
Thanks! I'll make sure that I am feeding it!:thumbsup:

05/23/2007, 09:30 AM
Def. a goni. I've got pix of my alveopora in my gallery if you want a comparison.

Good luck!

05/23/2007, 09:38 AM
It looks nice and healthy.. with strong lighting it should do well

05/23/2007, 10:51 AM
it really looks as if it is a Goni.
I have had one for about 6-7 months and it is doing great.
I know they say they are hard to take care of but I think it is one of my easiest things I hav in my tank
I love you avatar picture, I have a tail spot blenny and I just love him, I think he is soooo cute!

05/23/2007, 12:41 PM
Spot feed it cyclopeeze. That'll do it :)

05/23/2007, 12:51 PM
Something's tickling my brain. It looks like it could be a pagoda coral. I've seen one very similar on my local forum:


05/23/2007, 04:57 PM
I agree the one pictured here is a goni. The one posted ine the link is tough to tell without a better shot of the skeleton.

Any one think the one in the link could be a duncan?

05/23/2007, 10:47 PM
Thanks for all of the responses! I really appreciate all of the recommendations, and know where to come with questions on LPS. I'm just starting to add corals and had my tank for over a year!

Who knew there were other forums outside of the Lounge!;)

Chicky, thanks for the compliments on my avatar! I have been trying to catch a good picture of it or my mandarin for the photo contest this month, but just can't seem to get a good picture!:lol:

05/23/2007, 10:55 PM
2fishy you know they're going to flip out if they find out you stuck your head out of the Lounge. What are we the only 2.. no Allie I think.. 3 people who venture outside? :)

05/23/2007, 11:45 PM
Looks nice and healthy. Thats the crappy thing though. They look so nice and tempting at the LFS, but by the time youre used to them, they slowly start dying off. Hopefully you can keep it live and well.

05/24/2007, 07:59 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10003915#post10003915 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jflip2002
Looks nice and healthy. Thats the crappy thing though. They look so nice and tempting at the LFS, but by the time youre used to them, they slowly start dying off. Hopefully you can keep it live and well.


I don't think that I would have bought it had I known that it was a difficult coral. Although I thought it was an alveopora, I should have maybe reconsidered instead of thinking it looked like pretty flowers!:lol: Well, it will be a good learning process for me and I'll put my all into it, and hopefully will be able to keep it. I sure hope that it does well.

chrisstie, you're right, I think it is only a few of us that linger out of the Lounge! I should keep a low profile so they don't find me!:D

05/25/2007, 08:29 AM
Turbinarea (Pagoda) has more tentacles, so it is def. a goni.
FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, Cyclop-eeze, oyster eggs, rotifers.
Check out some of my articles, google Justin Credabel Goniopora
www.asaquaculture.org also has some article links
Also John Kelly has some info at Goniopora.org
Good Luck

05/25/2007, 09:49 AM
Funny...I was just reading about these guys last night. I always thought Alveo was hardier than gonio but Eric B ( in his book) says the end result is the same...eventual demise for unknown reasons. He does say that alveo is more light tolerant though. He said that people fool themselves and others by thinking that keeping them alive for 6 months to a year means they've figured it out, only to lose it anyway. Sorry to be the grim reaper here and good luck to you and the coral. BTW...your LFS is either an idiot or dishonest. The difference between the 2 is easy 12 vs. 24 tenticles.:rolleyes:

05/26/2007, 08:44 AM
Have a look here