View Full Version : wrasse with swollen stomach

05/15/2007, 06:14 PM
I have had a six line wrasse for over three years. Last week his stomach swelled up considerably. I have five other fish in the tank that look fine with no sign of abnormal behavior. I haven't added anything to the tank other than a dozen snails about a month ago. Any ideas what this could be.

05/16/2007, 02:04 PM
my wrasse will sometimes get a bloated stomach after it eats, but then it goes away after couple of hours. is it constantly bloated? it might be a parasite from what i've heard. sorry i can't help more

05/18/2007, 02:00 AM
How often do you make water changes and what percent? How old are the foods and how do you store them?

Terry B

05/18/2007, 05:55 PM
I do about 20% water changes (30 gallons) every two weeks. All the numbers are the right on the numbers. I may have a little problem with phosphates as I am seeing a little green hair aglae growth. I use phosban monthly and changed my membrane and filters on my RO/DI unit. TDS is 0.

The wife says his eyes are bulging a little. I'm not sure on this.

05/18/2007, 06:01 PM
As far as the food goes. I feed them brine shrimp every other day. I don't buy the big packets of brine shrimp so I guess I go thru a small bag about every three months. I feed them some flakes and pellets on the odd days. I also add some J.S. veggies on a clip at the same time. This is freeze dried so I doubt age is a problem.

I don't feed them much as I am trying to fight the hair algae. I also have noticed a little cyno trying to grow.