View Full Version : Brie' Tank with pic's

05/12/2007, 01:12 AM
Well I got my kid Brieana's tank going to day I took some of the rock's out of my 90g and put them in her tank and from the hair algae I think it look prity good and she is HAPPY:D .
Hole tank
And I need help with a ID on this fish i hope you can see it
I cant get a good pic of it as soon as i put it in the tank it went in the rock's and wont come out for me to get a good pic of it and the shroom's are a little peed off I dont know what tipe of coral's i want to put in I want to put 1 MH 10k and 2 T-5 on it. So if you have a ID on what to put in the tank let me know :)

05/12/2007, 01:27 AM
Looks like some type of blenny. Very cute tank.

05/12/2007, 01:30 AM
Thanks I cant fiend it in eney of my fish book's. I think the tank look's good to from all the hair algae it's comeing to

05/12/2007, 01:38 AM
did you make it yourself?


05/12/2007, 01:42 AM
I did it was a pane in the but I seen the tank at a LFS and came home and maed me one

05/12/2007, 06:33 AM
Very nice Lin! You are a great dad!

05/12/2007, 08:55 AM
Very cool idea!

As for the fish, it looks almost like a blenny except for the shape of the head. But it's either a blenny or goby.

05/12/2007, 09:45 AM
Nice Lin. Love the creativity!!!!

05/12/2007, 11:14 AM
Love the stand. Really looks great.

05/12/2007, 11:27 AM
Naw i need to put some corals in her tank so if you have eney that you dont want or your fraging I want I want!! i will get some thing's at ET's this week and post more pic's as i go. I want to try and see if i can get it in to the next Nano Reef Contest and see haw it go's her tank is just small enuff i think.
Thank's for all your coments
murfman and Thurge

05/12/2007, 11:41 AM
Very creative.

Leopard Wrasse
05/12/2007, 01:02 PM

Very cool tank, based on the head structure that fish looks
like a dottyback to me.

05/12/2007, 01:22 PM
Research, research, research each individual species you intend to own. This will ensure a lengthy life of your livestock.

LOL jk lin!!! its a cool fish!!!

05/12/2007, 01:54 PM
I HAVE been researching the fish Randall.lol but for $2 i just got it no time to research it at that price you know

05/12/2007, 01:55 PM
lol yea i definitly understand i was just giving you a hard time!!!

05/12/2007, 01:59 PM
Thanks Leopard Wrasse
on the dottyback thats what i think to I just dont see him in eney of my book's but naw its coming out naw and i can see it but i cant move to fast or it's back in the rock's and fast to it eat's like a pig.

05/12/2007, 01:59 PM
I know.

05/12/2007, 02:10 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9928760#post9928760 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clowninaround74
Research, research, research each individual species you intend to own. This will ensure a lengthy life of your livestock.

LOL jk lin!!! its a cool fish!!!

I was thinking the same thing LOL:lol: :lol:

Nice tank for a little girl, i think its pretty cool.
Those eyes look like a hawkfish to me, the body looks nothing like a hawk but something about those eyes.

05/12/2007, 02:47 PM
I think this's it
Bluespotted Watchman Goby
(Cryptocentrus pavononoides)
Click here for a larger image
Quick Stats
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 5"
Color Form: Blue, Olive, Orange, Red
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Carnivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Family: Gobiidae

The Bluespotted Watchman Goby, commonly referred to as the Blackfinned Shrimp Goby, was first discovered by Bleeker in 1849. There are two color phases. The first has an orange head with blue spots, the body is orange with red bands, and the dorsal fin has black spots. The second phase is olive drab with blue spots.

It should be housed in a 30 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of loose coral rubble. It requires ample swimming room and a sand bottom for burrowing. Rarely will it become aggressive towards other fish, but it is territorial, and will fight with its own kind unless they are a mated pair. The aquarium requires a tight-fitting cover to prevent it from jumping out.

The Bluespotted Watchman Goby feeds mostly on prey suspended in the water column but will pick food off the substrate. The diet should include mysid shrimp, brine shrimp, and table shrimp. It should be fed at least three times per day.

Approximate Purchase Size: 2" to 4"

(Or it's)
Horseface Blenny
(Ophioblennius steindachneri)
Click here for a larger image
Quick Stats
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 5"
Color Form: Black, Red, Yellow
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Herbivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Caribbean, Eastern Pacific
Family: Blenniidae

The Horseface Blenny, also known as the Panamic Fanged Blenny, originates in the Caribbean Ocean. Its body is a blended black and red with yellow markings camouflaging the body and fins. The head of this fish carries 4 small branching horns, and the nose is very blunt, which gives this species a unique horse-like appearance.
A well-established 30-gallon or larger aquarium with multiple swimming levels and plenty of rock is a suitable environment. It is not usually aggressive unless the tank mates appear to have a similar shape as it does. It is best to house singly unless kept in a larger tank and the two are a mated pair. It tends to perch and hop from rock to rock looking for microalgae to graze on. It is known to nip at small-polyped stony coral and clam mantles.

The Horseface Blenny does best in well-established aquariums with large amounts of natural algae to feed on. The diet can be supplemented with vegetable matter, Spirulina, and herbivore preparations.

05/13/2007, 05:15 AM
This is what I did to the tank to day...:D

05/13/2007, 11:15 PM
Lin is happy with the tank and fuge naw it's time for fish to go in