View Full Version : A very bad day for a newbie

HPD Turbo
05/08/2007, 12:39 PM
Yesterday at 11 pm I hear a dripping sound coming from my living room, I jumped out of the bed and see 50gal of water in my wood floor. Earlier that same day I was re arranging some rock that fall off. I did not see that I interrupt a power head flow that later was going to get all the water off the display tank.
I did not realize that when I rearrange the rock I kill an anemone and destroy a Tangs house. I lost a goby and a mandarin, don’t really know were they are, I thing they are under the rocks!!!
If that is not enough, in the morning I mix reefsalt with water in the blender (to blend it faster), my wife letter without whishing it made a chocolate shake for my daughter……… she is in the hospital with food poisson.

So what a great day.

05/08/2007, 12:46 PM
Dude im sooooo Sorry thats one rough day..

I hope things get better for you!

HPD Turbo
05/08/2007, 12:48 PM
yes thanks a lot.
BTW the rocks look better before I re arange them!!!!

05/08/2007, 12:52 PM
Geez! that's awful.

Hope your daughter is doing okay. Can't imagine things getting any worse.

HPD Turbo
05/08/2007, 12:57 PM
Daughter ok!!!

05/08/2007, 12:57 PM
I feel for you...Hope things get better soon.

HPD Turbo
05/08/2007, 01:08 PM
thanks a lot.
This is a serious hobby!!!
Please everybody be care full!!!!

05/08/2007, 01:16 PM
You dont know how many times iv jumped out of bed thinking my tanks is leaking somewhere.

HPD Turbo
05/08/2007, 01:26 PM
I know the feeling now!!!!!

05/08/2007, 01:41 PM
When I first set up my tank, I didn't get more than an hours shot of sleep at a time for a week. I didn't trust the u-tube overflow to keep siphon after reading all the horror stories. Guess things can only get better. Tomorrow is already looking up! :)

Best of luck.

05/08/2007, 03:43 PM
food poisoning from salt water? hmmmm

HPD Turbo
05/08/2007, 03:56 PM
Thanks to everyone.

Yes, its a kind of food poisson, but I dont know how to tell in english. Lets say that my daugther stomack is very upside down.

"intoxicacion quimica del intestino grueso, deshidratacion y desbalance de la flora intestinal. Presencia de alta acidez en jugo gastrico". If some one can translate this?. As the doctor said reef sintetic salt is very toxic. So be carefull.

05/08/2007, 04:06 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9901862#post9901862 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Randall_James
food poisoning from salt water? hmmmm

You can get very ill, or die, from drinking seawater. That's why ancient sailors used to search for fresh water sources to refill the barrels they kept on board. I'd guess it's the same as drinking one of our salt mixtures.

HPD Turbo - sad to hear about the tank, but count your blessings that your daughter is OK. At least that was good news.

05/08/2007, 04:13 PM
intoxicacion quimica del intestino grueso, deshidratacion y desbalance de la flora intestinal. Presencia de alta acidez en jugo gastrico

chemical Intoxication of the large intestine, dehydration and disbalance of the small intenstine, haigh acidity levels in gastric fluids.

MAAN that sucks, hope everything turns out ok for you, next time youll think twice before rearanging your rock and where to mix your saltwater,

0 Agios
05/08/2007, 04:18 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9901862#post9901862 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Randall_James
food poisoning from salt water? hmmmm Yahhh why do you think thats so strange ??? ha James ? I run out of salt one day and i used reef crystals for my burger. Man I started to turn yellow green and almost fainted. my son the next day told me I looked like the incredible hulk. :mad2:

HPD Turbo
05/08/2007, 04:21 PM
tlmac: I apreciate your words, Thanks.
Glockcoma: Thanks for the translation, And yes my wife wants to kill me. I belive a would sleep on the cauch for months.

elegance coral
05/08/2007, 04:36 PM
You need a very understanding wife to be in this hobby. I'm on my 3rd one now. Maybe you should buy her some flowers or something. Good luck man!

05/08/2007, 08:05 PM
drinking a cup of salt water won't kill you, but you will probably get sick.

05/08/2007, 09:19 PM
#1 rule for new reefers - Keep your hands out your tank!!!

05/08/2007, 09:59 PM
Wow! Now that's a bad day. Hope tomorrow will be better for you.

05/09/2007, 12:13 AM
Can you say fake post?

05/09/2007, 09:42 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9905696#post9905696 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by smacdone
Can you say fake post?

I thought about that, but I've learned too many times to never assume.

HPD Turbo
05/09/2007, 10:50 AM
Thanks to every one.

I did not understand about the fake post.

Anyway thanks a lot.

05/09/2007, 12:14 PM
You're very welcome HPD Turbo!

05/09/2007, 12:25 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9902151#post9902151 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 0 Agios
I run out of salt one day and i used reef crystals for my burger.

:lol: What the heck were you thinking?!? LOL

05/09/2007, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by smacdone
Can you say fake post?

Thinking the same here, the blender part is usually the giveaway that puts it over the top but tlmack is right - you just never know with some people, which is even scarier.

05/09/2007, 12:42 PM
what do u mean the blender part? Ive done that before but noone ever got sick I washed it out.

HPD Turbo
05/09/2007, 02:04 PM
What do you mean?

05/09/2007, 02:37 PM
Well took some checking around but the odds of salt causing what we consider "food poisoning" are slim to nil.... IF this "suspect" blender caused any type of illness at all, it would have been tainted dairy product and not the salt. On the other hand it does not take a rocket scientist to understand what ingesting a large amount of saline solution will do to you but this is about trace amounts of salt left behind in a blender.

Figured this story sounded pretty dumb...

HPD Turbo
05/09/2007, 02:50 PM

I understand what u are saing, but your are maybe wrong.
I am 34 years old, have two daughters, one 4 years old (the one that get intoxicated) and one 6 weeks old. As you can imagine I dont have any intention on making up a story, or tell a dump story as you said. I dont have the time also.

If you have something smart to say I will be wating, otherwise keep looking in RC forums, there is a lot to read.

05/09/2007, 04:45 PM
Somthing smart to say:

Salt does not loan itself to food poisioning
Dairy products do

HPD Turbo
05/09/2007, 05:42 PM
What is loan?

05/09/2007, 10:53 PM
I think we may need to "lighten up" a little here, guys...

First off, the amonut of 'residue' in a blender may have been as much as a teaspoonful... if the water wasn't thoroughly mixed. A teaspoon of salt mix would probably be the equivalent to drinking a pint or so of seawater...

Second, a 4 year - old child is a small person; with a small amount of liquids (blood volume, for example) compared to an adult. It would seem rational that it wouldn't take to much to upset things like electrolyte balance, ion ratio in blood, etc. in a small child...

Thirdly, if you still think it "improbable", then give your 4 year old a pint of seawater to drink and see if she gets sick from it...

What, no takers?

05/10/2007, 12:55 AM
HPD Turbo seems to have had a "bad day". Give him a break. Presuming he is telling the truth. Imagine how you might feel if someone was trying to suggest the same to you after having a BAD day!! Drink a pint of sea water and zip it! We'll wait for you to post the results in a week when you are feeling better.

05/10/2007, 07:00 AM
Electrolyte imbalance and food poisoning are 2 different things.

When the doctor says food poisoning, that is different than an electrolyte imbalance.

HPD what I meant by "loan" is that brine solution does not carry pathogens very well. In fact to the contrary it is used to preserve many foods. If the food poisoning was the diagnosis, it would be more likely that the dairy product could have been the problem.

Ice cream has been a problem in the states in the past as has milk.

Condensing the amount of salt in a pint of seawater into a shake would make it most undrinkable for most, seems to have escaped the taste bud test here.

05/10/2007, 07:16 AM
Oh cmon give it a rest Randall, did you not see my translation of the diagnosis, nothing was stated that it was food poisoning, it was a chemical intoxication, dehydration, high level of acids, he just broke it down that way so not to get too technical, and I'd love to see you drink the equivalent of a teaspoonful of a 4 year old, also remember it was chocolate milk and IMHO a couple of drinks would probably poison her.

It might not be food, but that stuff is poison, so all of you out there w/ little kids, you should take this as a lesson and keep all the supplements, additives, test kits, and other chemicals we use in this hobby out of the reach of children.

Even if it was a fake post, which I do not believe, it is a good lesson to be learned, and that is what this site is about.

05/10/2007, 08:40 AM
Cosidering he is in another country, and peoples stomachs react different to different things, you guys should probably just leave him alone. And also we are not using actual salt water... there are some non natural things in the mix that could very well kill all the good bacteria in ones stomach, which would cause everyday things to make a person very sick, especailly a child. Have some respect guys. Just because you have a up and going reef tank does not make you a micro-bio spec!! and not even close to being a Doctor...

05/10/2007, 08:53 AM
Well, I believe Turbo. Call it whatever you want, food poisoning or just a poisoning of sorts. You have to keep in mind that with water all over the floor the household was probably in turmoil, and under conditions like that we don't always act logically and may not think clearly about what we're doing. I can see it happening under those circumstances. And glockcoma brought up some good points for those that have young kids that love to put things in their mouths, and eat/drink things that they shouldn't.

05/10/2007, 09:53 AM
This stuff is childish! I have been reading on RC for over ayear now and although there is a lot of stuff to be learned here there is always that one post that makes me think about posting my own questions for fear of being ridiculed or called a liar. On a couple of other forums I have just all of stopped looking at them or even posting for numerous reasons mostly "e-thugs" ;)

Honestly the guy had a pretty ****ty day. Instead of debating on the matter of how much salt water it would take to make his daughter sick can we just give him a small hug and say that we're sorry?

Sorry just a little venting. Hope your daughter gets better quickly.


05/10/2007, 10:20 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9914694#post9914694 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hndakd
This stuff is childish! I have been reading on RC for over ayear now and although there is a lot of stuff to be learned here there is always that one post that makes me think about posting my own questions for fear of being ridiculed or called a liar. On a couple of other forums I have just all of stopped looking at them or even posting for numerous reasons mostly "e-thugs" ;)

Honestly the guy had a pretty ****ty day. Instead of debating on the matter of how much salt water it would take to make his daughter sick can we just give him a small hug and say that we're sorry?

Sorry just a little venting. Hope your daughter gets better quickly.


Don't ever be afraid to post! None of us (hopefully) ever stop learning and I learn a lot from other posts, and at the risk of sounding like a stupid newbie at times I post anyway. Unlike a lot of other forums I've been in, the "e-thugs" are quite the minority here, and the quality of the people, responses and help that I get here are the best I've encountered anywhere. With a couple thousand people online here at any given time there is a lot of good experienced help here at RC - don't be afraid to use their experience! OK I'm through, but I will take your advice...

(((((((((HPD Turbo)))))))))


05/10/2007, 10:23 AM
Much Love. Get well soon.!

05/10/2007, 10:39 AM
Don't ever be afraid to post! None of us (hopefully) ever stop learning and I learn a lot from other posts, and at the risk of sounding like a stupid newbie at times I post anyway. Unlike a lot of other forums I've been in, the "e-thugs" are quite the minority here, and the quality of the people, responses and help that I get here are the best I've encountered anywhere. With a couple thousand people online here at any given time there is a lot of good experienced help here at RC - don't be afraid to use their experience! OK I'm through, but I will take your advice...
I was more posting about other forums that i visit. It is very refreshing to be involved with a place where its a benifit for everyone to say what they need too (reef wise) and not be afraid of what people will respond with. Im out gotta earn the big bucks for the little fishies

05/10/2007, 11:31 AM
Forget "e-thugs" its these self proclaimed doctors, and proffesors, that dont know the whole situation and assume that someone is wrong and arent telling the truth, I see it all the time here, there are some great brains at work on this site (reef wise) that have helped me tremendously, but to some of you, because you know the difference between No3 and No2 or what phosphate means doesnt make you all knowing.

05/10/2007, 12:26 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9915353#post9915353 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by glockcoma
Forget "e-thugs" its these self proclaimed doctors, and proffesors, that dont know the whole situation and assume that someone is wrong and arent telling the truth, I see it all the time here, there are some great brains at work on this site (reef wise) that have helped me tremendously, but to some of you, because you know the difference between No3 and No2 or what phosphate means doesnt make you all knowing. Full of giggles here, "sees it all the time" Joined April 07...

you really fail to see the point. Ice cream has been tainted in the past with Salmonella or other food born pathogens, if someone gets sick from a milkshake, the dairy is going to be more suspect in most cases.

And salt can actually stem the growth of these bacteria

If his unlucky child was infected by the dairy product, does it not make sense to address the issue? You want to call a cautionary statement like that an attack by an "e-thug" fine. But I actually checked with the resident Doctor here about this issue.

I would throw the icecream away myself.....not knowing the whole situation would make that an even more prudent move..

btw, I might suggest a spell checker an/or a dictionary glock :)


05/10/2007, 01:00 PM
Sorry if anything I said made anyone on this thread feel like they were being considered an e-thug. The e-thug subject came up, and it had me thinking about other forums, and definitely not anyone in this thread. If any of my own replies gave that false impression I apologize. I think the best suggestion here is to just let this thread end now. From the direction it's heading, we're off topic now and no sense continuing in this direction!

05/10/2007, 01:01 PM

All Im saying is that you shouldnt assume that his story is fake, cause of your vast knowledge from what your internet articles say about ice cream, HPD Turbo had a bad day and all you do is try to tear apart his post, are you recieving $$$ from the salt corporations, and this guy, that needs a spell check most likely makes more in a month than you make in a year, I might have been here a short while but I've been on alot. No need to make this guy feel worse is all im saying.

Anyway, HPD Turbo any status on the goby's

HPD Turbo
05/10/2007, 01:25 PM
Glockcoma thanks a lot for your support, I really really apreciate it. And yes you are completly right.
tlmack I feel like home in this forum thanks a lot.
kbovhy, phish-phan, ndakd thank you very much.

Randall_james I am sorry for my last post I did not have the intention of bieng unplesant. My wife still kiking my *** for this and a bad day has become a very bad week (as magdelan saids).
I just worng said food poison when it was more like an intoxication. I blend a complete glass (12 0z more/less) in a 2 litters blender and left all the bottom of salt in it. glockcoma translate that for me.

I apreciate the kindness off all of you, I hope I can do some thing for you sometime. I maybe when you come to Mexico to dive I will be your personal guide!!!.

My daughter is ok by now, but not the wife. I will purschase her something today. She is in her full right to get mad, so I only can lean my head and wait.

Thanks to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HPD Turbo
05/10/2007, 01:34 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9915952#post9915952 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by glockcoma

Anyway, HPD Turbo any status on the goby's

Yes glockcoma the goby show up yestarday, the rest of them are ok, but I did crash the anemona, I find her under a rock dead and myyyy goooddddd semlls horrible!!!!!!!!!!!


And Randall_James I belive that you are making to much "waves", I see that you have post like 6000 times, but yet....... there is allways something new to read or learn (as someone yet saids). I really apologize if my post ofended you in some way. I am downloading a spell checker :)!!!

05/10/2007, 02:21 PM
HPD Turbo -

I'm glad your daughter is OK, hopefully the rest of your week will be better.

To everyone else -
Regardless of what actually caused his daughter to get sick , the thread title was "Bad Day" and her getting sick certainly added to the bad day. It still amazes me how lonely some people must be to spend all their time picking apart someone elses's misfortune.

If you think something is fake, or just not right, and all you want to do is question someone's credibility or integrity then just don't post, let it roll to the 3rd or 4th page where it wil never be read again. And for God's Sake Randall James....<B> Stop picking on the newbies, isn't it time to grow up and learn how to lead by example?</B>

juan jose
05/10/2007, 02:31 PM
I don´t have children in my house yet but I do have pets. After reading a post where a dog got very sick after drinking tank water I have always been very carefull about tank water. I always think of that story when I have to siphon water from my tank and taste tank water, yikes I hope I never go through turbo´s nightmare. I still don´t know a person in the hobby who hasn´t had a bad story to tell so I positively belief hpd turbo´s story. I´ve had several experiences in the hobby that only myself and my wife belief they are true because we were there.
Happy reefing to Hpd Turbo and to all..................

05/11/2007, 01:47 AM

05/14/2007, 10:02 AM
I have been waking up for days now. Because I heard a loud pop the other day after setting up my 55. I think it was just the stand.