View Full Version : best system for 125 gallon

04/22/2007, 06:40 PM
I am hunting around and looking at the options out there for high wattage metal halide.I want a combo that combines 800 watts of metal halide with some actinics.I want the best bang for my buck and want a crisp,clear light throughout the tank,not a blue cast.I am aware the blue cast has to do with the kelvin rateing and other factors within different bulbs,but that I can sort out on my own.Could any of you be kind enough to provide a link to a complete or sufficient unit for lighting a standard 125gallon?I want to light with demanding species is mind,so we are talking acroporas and other SPS.I will be including gorgonians and scroll type corals as well and at least one anemone.While price is a consideration,I am more interested in seeing what ready-made units are out there and what other reefers find most versatile/effective.I have considered some of the sunpods and the icecaps look nice,I also considered hamilton reefsuns.Also the tank will be open-topped,so heat is less of a concern.Any guidence is appreciated.

04/22/2007, 07:39 PM
I would just check ReefGeek.

04/22/2007, 08:36 PM
I did check reefgeek per your suggestion.I do like the IceCaps,but it is all a seperate unit as in the ballast and ballast box have to be bought seperatley and also the fixture and bulb...this gets me to about $1,200.Would two 400watt,10,000K,metal halides be enough alone?Would I then have to get a seperate power compact system for actinics or lunar lights or do most just use the metal halides?I want to purchase as complete a system as possible,but also what is adequate in that it is not limiting what corals I can keep,but not overkill.I want to use what is best...nothing more,nothing less.Could lunar lights just be accomplished by using a standard set of 48'' shoplights and some actinics?Lord knows I am confused by all of the lighting terms and options...thankfully I have a better understanding of ecosystems and can apply that in setting up and keeping the tank alive and well...the electronic and technical stuff...I'm lost..LOL

04/22/2007, 09:25 PM
400s are a bit much dont you think? i would get 3 250s for better coverage

04/22/2007, 10:14 PM
due to my perfecto 125 having a center brace. I'm going to use 4 halides. 2 x 150's on each end with 2 x 250s in the center. 4 36" T5's for my actinics. I used hello lights for all my lighting needs, great prices and customer service.

04/22/2007, 10:23 PM
You may spend your money better by buying Luminarc reflectors and using less total wattage. They markedly increase the usable light and don't add heat or ongoing expense.

04/23/2007, 06:57 PM
So what should I be looking for in total wattage witht he metal halides?I was considering the 3 250's,but my tank has a center brace.I am still somewhat confused about the need/role for/of actinics in a shallower reef.Will the metal halides do th ejob in a 125g or should I expect to be providing other actinics and lunar lights?I really appreciate the guidence I am getting here and I am eager to learn more about lighting and equiptment.Thanks