View Full Version : Switching from PC lighting to MH

04/22/2007, 12:11 PM

I have ordered a SUNPOD 150 HQI 14k MH for my 24 Aquapod.

I've had the stock 32w PC lighting since August. I understand that I need to introduce the light slowly, but what would you fine people suggest?

Coincidently, my PC light died yesterday... don't know if it knew I had ordered it's replacement and decided suicide was a more honorable way to go or not.

04/22/2007, 12:22 PM
There are a few ways, but I prefer starting with the new light high off the tank, say 12" to start. This will help with two things, first, the introduction of the new light, second, a way to monitor the temperature change that may happen with the new MH light. You can lower the new light an inch every three days until its at the hight you want. Be sure to watch your water temp to see if the new light increases it.

04/22/2007, 02:27 PM
on my old tank when I was upgrading the lighting, I would set my lights where I wanted them to be, and then place about 3-4 sheets of screen over the tank and then every other day remove a sheet. This way the corals and fish were acclimated to it. But def keep an eye on your temp!

04/22/2007, 04:14 PM
the method I used to start out with a short photo period for the first week 4 hrs per day and then increase one hour every three days thereafter until desired photoperiod is reached, but like the others state you want to watch your temp

04/24/2007, 04:10 PM
here's a link to what it looks like:
