View Full Version : 24 inch Fixture. 36 inch tank

04/21/2007, 09:47 AM
I have been contemplating upgrading my light on my 50g. Its 36 inches long. I currently run a single 250w hqi PFO pendant. The pendant is 12 inches long if I remember correctly, but does a good job of dispersing light (although I still put my light lovers more directly under the light and less sensitive critters off to the sides).

My question is how good are the reflectors in the average 24inch fixture. Will they be as good as what I have in my PFO as far as covering my tank reasonably well.

I have been looking at mh/t5 fixtures. Aqua Medic & Outer Orbits.

Any experiences.


04/22/2007, 08:44 AM