View Full Version : hmm, being grounded

04/12/2007, 04:55 AM
aliie's thread got me to thinking (i know, dangerous)...i spent a lot of time during my high school years being grounded. i was a defiant child, hard to believe but, i was.

being grounded meant i was not allowed to use the car, no movies, no going out with friends, NO TELEPHONE!!!, i was pretty much confined to the house for the duration of the grounding period. oh and i had to feed the dinosaurs and clean up after them.

what did your parents do to ground you?

04/12/2007, 05:08 AM
I only got grounded a couple of times in high school. I just didn't get caught. When I did get grounded, it didn't change my behavior. My HS years were, to quote the Cheech and Chong movie title, - "Up in smoke"

It was no car and having to stay home. The phone was not a large part of my life, so that wasn't an issue. I had a tv and stereo in my room so it wasn't too terrible.

04/12/2007, 05:19 AM
:) I never was grounded, not once....in fact I never was really ever in trouble. My parents knew any punishment they could ever hope to give out would be about a 1/10th of the level of punishment I was already giving myself so they never had to worry about punishing me besides the fact I never did anything that needed punishing in the first place.

Plus, what were they going to ground me from? :p I only had one friend clear through Jr. High/HS and never once did I go to see them outside of school, I was terrified of talking on the phone (not like I had anyone to talk to anyway), I never went to the movies, if I wasn't in school I was tied up working or doing homework or working on one of my other projects. :p

04/12/2007, 06:27 AM
I was only grounded once that I can remember. I had no phone use and no going anywhere.

I'm much more mean than my parents were, but I have more to take away. Phone, computer, driving, going places, drums, guitar, video games and the worst of it......he has to watch TV with US!! :lol:

04/12/2007, 07:03 AM
I was only grounded once, my dad had a car accident when I was 15 I went to work saved enough to buy my own car still lived with mom though but did what ever I wanted to after I got the car. At 16 I was working full time and going to high school used to pay my mom rent until I was 17 and then moved out. I did graduate from high school. But what I remember most is the more my parents got mad or didn't want me to do something or not hang out with people, the more I did it anyway. I let my kids make a lot of their own decisions so far I think they have come out OK.


04/12/2007, 10:04 AM
I was grounded from my father for getting mad at my stepmom for bashing my mom. He took my phone for 2 days before giving it back to me because he couldn't handle not being able to get a hold of me while I lived with my mom. Sad huh.... I thought it was a dream come true..........

04/12/2007, 10:13 AM
I was grounded a few times growing up.

I lived on a barrier island and there were no other kids so I got to either go outside and chase lizards and crabs with the dog, watch tv, talk on the phone, or use the computer when we got one in the house.

I think it was in middle school where my interest in friends\boys\telephone came in. My mom drank a lot and I remember being grounded\yelled at\phone taken away for no real reason, just her making one up while my dad was at work.

They'd get mad if I stayed up late talking on the phone (like 12-1am) so I'd get grounded for that. They did buy me my own phone line since they ran business out of the house and my talking was damaging their business.

I had what I'd call a boyfriend for that whole time and my dad haaaated him. How do you hate a 12--14 year old when you barely know him? I guess he was "protecting" me. When high school came around he made me choose between getting my own computer or even talking to the boy. What he didn't know was that the boy was moving away that year so I went with the computer

Then I got grounded for playing computer games "too much" despite the fact my homework was done and nowhere to go and nothing else to do. BORING

I think when I have a kid they will get a lot of freedoms and I hope to have an openness and no taboo about anything with them so I can make sure they are educated and don't do any acting out because they are angry at me. I know how that feels

04/12/2007, 10:48 AM
Oh my god, I can't even count how many times I was grounded!

I would be grounded for about a week at a time, sometimes two weeks, depending on the severity of what I did.

I wasn't allowed to talk on the phone, watch TV, play nintendo, have the car, heck, like Nina, I wasn't allowed out of the house! And since I wasn't going anywhere, I was always given a mile long list of chores to do.

The one thing that my parents let me do was go to orchestra rehearsals. They couldn't make me skip them.....until the time my dad caught me doing something UNIMAGINABLE!! That's when I was grounded for a month, and NO Orchestra rehearsals for me! Oh my god, trying to explain that to my conductor was the most morifying thing I had to do.

04/12/2007, 10:53 AM
My groundings happened between the ages of 3 and 8. The one I remember most was when I backed the family station wagon out of the driveway when I was three. Boy was I in trouble!

04/12/2007, 10:59 AM
"Grounding" became common AFTER I was a teen. My parents spent my preteen years swatting me judiciously for bad behavior [see, I didn't grow up violent or an axe murderer] until one last swat when I was, in fact, a teen, and my mother and I realized simultaneously, with one of those curious looks exchanged, that I overtopped her by a head. She never swatted me again; I never really needed it again. After that, we talked it out pretty successfully. I was a pretty bright kid: if I'd been grounded, it would only have goaded me to invent, and invent my way around things, and with very, very bad outcome, I fear. I was one of those kids you never wanted to be bored, not for 10 minutes. Me mum once tried confining me to the den when I was 5: I stocked the recesses of the couch with semi-sweet chocolate stolen from the kitchen, with boxes of dried fruit, and all my favorite books and toys. She thought I was being punished: I was clever enough only to take out an item at a time so I could whip it back into the couch cushions if I heard her approaching the door. I hate to think what I'd have done if I'd been a teenager.

04/12/2007, 01:09 PM
My parents gave up on grounding me cause i started to enjoy it too much. Once there was no fun in it i quit being bad.

04/12/2007, 01:37 PM
If you use a GFCI, then your parents don't need to ground you.

04/12/2007, 01:55 PM
I lived with my grandmother until I was 10. One time when I was about 6, we were camping (we belonged to a club). My grandmother wasn't feeling well so she went to take a nap. My grandfather told me to stay around the campsite. I found a QUARTER. Walked 2 1/2 miles to the country store, gone for 4 hours! They had the entire camping club and the park rangers looking for me. When I returned, my grandfather held me down on a picnic table and my grandmother beat me with a flyswatter. She then sent me to bed with no dinner. I didn't care about missing dinner but she had a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, my favorite! I found a towel with big yellow daisies on it while I was walking and 25 years later when she died, she still had that towel.

As a teenager, I lived with my wicked stepmother who would make up reasons to ground me. I moved out when I was 17.

04/12/2007, 02:42 PM
Never got grounded I was perfect:lol:

No really when I got Grounded I was on total lock down.

04/12/2007, 05:09 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9709086#post9709086 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tarkus70
Never got grounded I was perfect:lol:

No really when I got Grounded I was on total lock down.

Glad to know that my "lockdown" method works!!:lol: