View Full Version : Nano Tank Skimming?

04/11/2007, 04:21 PM
I have a JBJ 12DX that I am going to be setting up with a sump and refugium. I want to have a skimmer on it that I can run on a timer from time to time but I don't really know what kind to get. I have a SeaClone that I bought years ago, but I know how worthless it is un-modified. I might also consider getting a new skimmer if I can find one that is very short so that I can fit it into the stand that I have for it. I'm talking real short, like less than 20". I know that there is the Fission Nano Skimmer, but how well does it work. My bro has one on his reef and he said that he likes it, but I just think that he might not know any better. Does anyone have a link to the seaclone mods, or have any advice on a new skimmer that I should look into or should consider. Thanks

04/12/2007, 08:36 AM
The is also that other little skimmer that can fit into the back of a JBJ but I'm not sure what that one was. Any help?