View Full Version : Current Outer Orbit Question-My tank is too Blue!!!

04/09/2007, 10:16 AM
I have a 72" Current Outer Orbit Fixture w/ 3x250W DE Metal Halides and 8x39W T5's. The fixture comes w/ 10k Current bulbs, and was just to bright white for my liking, so I replaced the Halides with 14k Coralvue bulbs, and....Holy Blue! With the 8 t5's running actinics, my tank now looks like i have 20k bulbs....much bluer than i was looking for. I am thinking about replacing half of the t5's with either 10k or 6700k bulbs to balance out the Coralvues. Any suggestions on which to use and why? Thanks for any help!

04/09/2007, 04:09 PM
Since no one has responded I will offer strictly my opinion.

This is a complicated request. What do you keep? As a general rule the lower k bulbs have better PAR. So what you did was replace your high PAR MH with higer K lower PAR lamps. Depending on what you keep, this could be irrelevant. The thing that makes this complicated is that T5 lighting can be just as effective as MH, however I am not versed in T5 lighting and can only speculate where you will end up, hence I give an opinion.

I think I would try (1) 6700 T5 and see what that does for you, and then add additionally untill your preference is satisfied.

Myself I am a 10k guy and would have left the 10K MHs, but that is me and strictly my taste.

Hope that helps some what. I am sure some one else will chime in and help you out.

04/09/2007, 04:18 PM
I would just replace the center with the 14k and leave the 10k on the outside......

04/09/2007, 04:23 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9684723#post9684723 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sditch
I would just replace the center with the 14k and leave the 10k on the outside......

Or you could do that to. :D