View Full Version : livestock check

04/08/2007, 10:08 PM
currently have in my 48" 80g:
yellow tang
coral beauty angelfish

would like:
one or two more tangs (kole?, other ideas?)
one or more butterfly fish (gold banded, other ideas?)
another clownfish

Do these ideas look okay? I'm open to suggestions on fish that would work well in my tank.

04/09/2007, 08:55 AM
I keep reading that I need to check here before I buy, so how does this look?

2 clownfish (regular ones)
1 yellow tang
1 kole tang
1 coral beauty
1 copper banded butterfly
1 royal gramma

1) Would this be overstocking my 48" 80g or would any more possibly fit comfortably?
2) Are they all compatible with each other?
3) Does it matter what order I purchase?

I appreciate your help in advance.

04/09/2007, 09:12 AM
2 clowns is fine, the yellow tank should be fine, but no more than one tang in that sized tank. And i wouldnt put any butterflies in a tank that small w/a tang in it already. That would probably be overdoing it. Not necessarily overloading the bioload, but those fish require lots of swimming room.

The gramma should be fine too. I'd say you could add a few smaller gobies and blennies and stuff.

04/09/2007, 09:33 AM
Make sure the clown is the same type as the first, and get it small. I agree on the tang butterfly comment. Aggression would be the killer, not bioload. Your doing the right thing by asking here first. Keep it up!

04/09/2007, 10:14 AM
Thanks, I really appreciate this.

I'm disappointed. I really wanted a butterfly. Any other larger fish recommendations that would work?

I am following the DSB guidelines I found on setting up tanks on this site. Here is what it said, "UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU ADD "SAND-SIFTING" ANIMALS SUCH AS BURROWING SEA STARS OR SOME GOBIES."

I have been avoiding gobies for this reason. Are there some gobies that would work without killing live sand? I like the looks of the mandarin goby.