View Full Version : Cuc

03/27/2007, 05:23 PM
Yo, how does 3 snails (dont know ID), 3 bumblebee snails, 3 hermits and a emerald crab sound for a clean up crew in a 10g?

03/27/2007, 11:58 PM
19 views and no posts? will this be enough for my tank?

03/28/2007, 09:57 AM
Should be fine to start. If you see they're not getting enough to eat, give them a little fish food. If too much algae growth, get a couple more.

03/28/2007, 11:31 AM
Just the regular formula one i feed my clown?

03/28/2007, 11:43 AM
well, the hermits will eat left over food bits that the clown doesn't eat. The hermits don't really seem to do all that much for cleaning. They aren't big on eating algae (some types anyways). So in that respect the snails are more important.

You can always add more if needed however that sounds like a good start to me.

I bet people didn't like your "Yo" to start with. Maybe that explains the 19 views and 0 replies, meh I don't know.


03/28/2007, 12:12 PM
Alright, welp thanks Rosseau, hopefully these guys will be happy in my tank and do a little cleaning while there at it.