View Full Version : Skimmer inhibit certain corals growth?

08/20/2002, 05:11 PM
I was wondering if since a skimmer pulls out excess nutrients and certain corals (example: xenia) feed mainly on excess nutrients, if this would inhibit their growth or even kill of the coral. I have heard of people having thier xenia that was doing great die right after they had their "new" skimmer running for a while. If this is the case then I guess I'll stay skimmerless. If that is the case. Is there a way to get around it??

08/20/2002, 06:04 PM
I don't know about all corals but I have 74 species of SPS and about 12 of LPS and 10 or so soft (including 2 species of Xenia) and skim heavily. IME corals grow very rapidly if you keep the calcium and alkalinity above NSW levels.


08/20/2002, 06:15 PM
Some people have wondered if Gonioporas and Alveoporas would do better in unskimmed tanks, but I don't know if anyone has had enough long term success with these corals to know.

Some skimmers remove far more than others. My old skimmer removed so little that there was no difference when I removed it, in fact I feed even more heavily now.

There are people who have successfully kept skimmerless systems for years. Eric Borneman for one. My 75 gal. tank is only a year old and doing very well so far.