View Full Version : African Yellow Anemone care and feeding

03/21/2007, 12:11 AM
A few days ago I got an African Yellow Anemone, hopefully that at some point my clowns will call home, but in the mean time its up to me to take care of it. I got some krill for it to eat and it seems to be doing well. Is there a way to keep it from moving around? It doesn't move terribly fast or anything, just always seems to prefer the back of the tank where it isn't viewable. :(

03/21/2007, 12:16 AM
What you probably have is a H. magnifica (aka ritteri) anemone. They are one of the most demanding of the clownfish host anemones, needing a lot of random flow and strong metal halide lighting. If you don't have much anemone experience, it might be a good idea to return it and something a little easier to take care of like a E. quadricolor (aka BTA, Bubble tip anemone)

03/21/2007, 01:40 AM
It will always be up to you to take care of it. You can't depend on a clownfish to take care of it.

I'm not sure of what you have. There is no such thing as a African Yellow Anemone. A picture would help so that it can be identified and we could give you help on its care and requirements.

Anemones will move where they are most comfortable.