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View Full Version : RBTA No Hosting, Not Yet At Least

03/13/2007, 02:00 PM
Well I got a bubble tip and it doing great. I have two false percs in the tank and they haven't started hosting in it at all. It hasn't even been a week yet so I think it is way too soon to tell. They have mouthed the tentacles a little. Not tearing them off or anything just sucking them into their mouths and then letting go. Is this a sign that they might host it?

03/13/2007, 02:47 PM
thats a great sign! at least they found it!! some peoples percs never even find the nem lol

If they are just mouthing tenicles and possibly lightly touching it, they are acclimating themselves to it and biulding up theyre slimecoat so they dont get stung. sounds great!

03/13/2007, 09:41 PM
Thats great, I figured that was what they were doing and wanted to check here. The RBTA is a fairly fresh clone so I am feeding every day for a week or so until it is completely healed. Is that a good idea or would it be overkill?

03/14/2007, 07:48 PM
How long does it take for them to build up a tolerance?

Still Not Hosting

03/16/2007, 10:13 PM
They are hosting!!!!!!

This freaking awesome!!!!

I was thinking of getting some Maroons and selling these guyes. It would have killed me to do so because I am really attached to these guys. Now I don't have to!!!!!

03/16/2007, 11:20 PM

03/17/2007, 12:28 AM
Pictures or it didn't happen }:cP

03/18/2007, 08:26 PM
They are mostly hosting at night and sleep in the anemone. I will try to get some pictures. The female has kind of kicked the male out the anemone for now. The RBTA is kind of smaller and gets crowded with both of them in their. He hosts the Cynaria at night. The anemone is still doing great, ate tonight and looks awesome as ever.