View Full Version : Aiptasia help!!!!

03/10/2007, 10:11 AM
Okay so i have a 14 gallon bio cube and i am currently in the beggining stages of an aiptasia out break. I know that you can get a peppermint shrimp to take care of it but i already have a cleaner shrimp and a pistol shrimp. Can i have all three shrimp in harmony?

What should i do!?!


03/10/2007, 10:31 AM
the peppermint and cleaner will be fine together. The pistol wont bother a thing since they hide all the time anyways...that and they're pretty blind :)

Just make sure you get a TRUE peppermint shrimp and not a camel shrimp. I believe camels will actually eat your corals lol.

03/10/2007, 10:34 AM
Oh wow okay i had not heard of that. How can i tell the differance because i know the LFS will lie to me and tell me what i want to hear so they make a buck.

Thanks buddy


03/10/2007, 10:39 AM
study some pictures. once you recognize the subtle differences, you can tell them apart easily. the best is to see them both at the same time at the LFS. then you are clear on it no question

03/10/2007, 10:50 AM
this looks like a peppermint to me.

this is a camel...you can see the difference in the design

03/10/2007, 10:58 AM
unfortunately, peppermint shrimp will not always do anything. I had a dozen in a tank and they ate almost anything but aiptasia. I think that over the years I have been better off removing them myself. The natural predators I think help to keep them from getting a good hold to start with.

03/10/2007, 10:59 AM
ya you'll probably have to remove the larger ones (if any) yourself. Mine never went for the big ones, but it got the little ones w/in a day or 2.

mile sq. reefer
03/10/2007, 11:14 AM
Joes Juice works. I use it in my reef with no ill effects.

03/10/2007, 11:23 AM
but how often do you have to joes' juice?
I use it on small frag rocks to remove them when they are out of the tank

but on my main tank, i have to use it like every week and i have peppermints

I'm buying some Nudi's!

03/10/2007, 11:27 AM
Joe's Juice - they tend to come back and then I nuke them again.