View Full Version : corals and lighting

08/12/2002, 01:47 PM
I recently purchased a red open brain and a bubble coral. The lfs told me to place the brain as close to the light as possible. It looked great at first, but it's now starting to turn white. I have the following fluorescent bulbs on my tank: (1) Coralife actinic and (2) Coralife 20,000k.

How many inches would you guys suggest keeping it from the light? Also, where would you place the bubble coral?

I asked the Live Help at LiveAquaria.com. They told me to place the bubble on the bottom of the tank and that the brain could be placed anywhere in the tank.

I was under the impression that both corals needed quite a bit of light.

Thanks for your help.

08/12/2002, 02:20 PM
Are these normal output florescents are VHOS? I would assume NO. If so, return the corals. You do not have enough light to keep either of these healthy

08/12/2002, 02:31 PM
Red open brain typically come from areas that are somewhat more murky than their green counterparts. Depending on how deep a tank you have, I would start that one low and move him slowly up to the middle of tank. Each individual coral is different of course, and there are exceptions to every rule. The problem is we dont know exactly where your coral came from. However, you are always a much safer starting lower light and moving it up. Corals adapt to lower light much more easily than high light. The fading you are experiencing sounds like a sunburn. Is the coral still expanding nicely? If it is sunburn, I would expect the brain to be closed (deflated). Also if he is U.V. burned, it may take more than a week for him to begin to recover, so if he doesnt just open right up tomorrow, leave him be for awhile. Put him low and if he is happy....leave him....if not move him up a little etc. till you find his spot.

The bubble is a very adaptable coral....again though....better starting it off lower and moving up to find the sweet spot. Bubble also loves strong light and will open up great in it....but only if thats what its used to. Better to start off safe...than sorry!! Hope that helps.

08/12/2002, 04:26 PM
I have a green open brain under two VHO's and he is very happy and growing nicely on the sand bed. Notice the shape of the bottom of him, it seems to be better suited for the sand than the rocks.

I have not yet fed mine any shrimp, but once yours gets more acclimated you might want to search "feeding an open brain."

Good luck

08/13/2002, 05:39 AM
Originally posted by coachgail
Are these normal output florescents are VHOS? I would assume NO. If so, return the corals. You do not have enough light to keep either of these healthy

I agree with Gail, sounds like NO to me and NO isn't compatible with corals.

08/13/2002, 06:51 AM
NO isn't compatible with corals. Well... not with these corals that's for sure.

On the other hand, decent NO lighting will in my experience support mushrooms, some sinularia, pulsing xenia, green star polyps, some types of favia and obviously non-light dependent corals such as sun polyps.

With the right choices you can have a tank full of coral on just 1 watt per gallon NO lighting. The key thing is to pick the right corals.

08/13/2002, 08:01 AM
I had a bubble coral for about 3 yrs under 4 NO flourescents. It was placed about 6 inches beneath the water surface in a low current area. I had to give it away because it got too big for my tank. I fed it several times a week. Rita

08/13/2002, 10:15 AM
The lights are normal output. Would I be able to swap out the 20,000k's for 10,000k's or 50/50's and have success with these corals? I'm not able to return them and I don't have anyone I could give them to. I'm very disappointed with my lfs. They've been very helpful and honest in the past. In fact, they even told me which corals not to purchase because they are too hard to keep. I had researched these corals before hand. I can't remember the name of the book off hand, but both of these corals were said to be OK under the highest ouput of NO's.

Thanks for all the help.

08/13/2002, 10:33 AM
IMO i agree with M. and DgenR8 even if you switch the spectrum on your NO it is not going to work with your corals on less you can fit enough on the top of your hood to produce 4-5 watts per gallon.
why not upgrade CF or VHO?
tank size parameters?

08/13/2002, 10:57 AM
The tank is 75 gallons and is 4 foot long. I can't remember the height and width off the top of my head. The book I mentioned before was written by Eric Borneman.

I would love to upgrade to VHO, but my husband hates the aquarium. He throws a fit anytime I want to spend some money on it. Nevermind the fact that he just bought a motorcycle and two 4-wheelers. I could have one heck of an aquarium for what that cost us. (BTW, I got the aquarium for free along with all the equipment, live rock, mushrooms, and a false percula clown from my brother. He was moving and didn't have any place to put it.)

OK just had to vent there for a minute. I'm back on the subject now. If I'd be able to swap out to a different bulb, that would be great. If not, I'll have to try to find a home for the corals.

Thanks for the help.

08/13/2002, 11:09 AM
A cheap way to upgrade your wattage (a little at least) is to buy a HD fixture for 2 four foot bulbs. Should bring your wattage up a little, if you can fit it in. If not, start, looking oneBay for new lights. I would return the corals, and make them trade you a PC or VHO ballast. Tell your husband you will trade your aquarium if he will buy you a 2002 Wide glide or Fat Boy, that he isn't allowed to touch. Then buy your VHOs and say, these, or a Wide GLide!

08/13/2002, 01:30 PM
I can't return the corals. The lfs is sticking to their theory that these corals will do fine with the lighting setup I have as long as I keep them close to the light. They won't even consider a trade.

Previously I mentioned that I had researched these corals before buying them. I'm home now and grabbed the book to see what the title is. The book is "A Practical Guide to Corals for the Reef Aquarium" by Ed Puterbaugh and Eric Borneman. Open Brains are given a lightning range of 4-8 and Bubbles are given a 3-9. Level 6 is "The most intense lighting possible under normal fluorescent lights." Level 8 is "The most intense lighting possible using VHO fluorescent or Power Compacts." Since Level 6 falls in the middle of the range for the ranges given for both corals, I had assumed I would be OK with them.

Thanks for all your help.

08/15/2002, 10:49 AM
Hey Rita,

What type of NO lighting did you use? 10,000k, 50/50, etc? Thanks.

08/15/2002, 11:04 AM
I used 2 40 watt actinics & 2 40 watt Home Depot 6500 daylight. Rita