View Full Version : Scolymia skeleton poking through?

03/01/2007, 02:54 PM
We've had a scolymia since right before Christmas that we lovingly refer to as Jabba-the-Hut.
About a month ago, I noticed some of the skeleton poking through the tissue. Now, not only is there a little bit of poking, the tissue seems to have slipped up over some of the spikes.

I've noticed when it appears to be worse, there's a snail (stomatella and rarely astrea) that seems to be irritating it.

Could this be part the "cause" or just an affect of the tissue slipping up?

Any idea what's going on?

I will be doing water tests later on (giving ph time to get to daylight levels so my results are consistent), but typically our water tests out like this:

salinity - 1.0256
trates - 0
phosphate - 0
ph low end of normal
alk. is typically low and calc. is typically high.

We've been trying to level these out and think it might be time to change the filters on the rodi since we're getting minimal readings of dissolved organincs in our water, but nothing shocking.

As far as I know, we don't have any inhabitants that would be causing any problems (chromis were the only fish in the tank when this started) some pep. shrimp that we hardly see.

It takes small foods well. There's a trachy brain and favia brain in the vicinity, we moved the scolymia recently because it and the trachy were touching, but the problems began before this.

What am I missing that could be happening? I hoped just leaving it alone would allow the tissue to go back over the spikes of the skeleton, but the snails aren't cooperating :(

Any help or ideas would be appreciated....TIA

03/01/2007, 04:48 PM
first the snails are problly just eating the new algea growth on the white sketeon.
But you do not what to move it because time will heal. You also forgot to put down your tank temp. Which with LPS i think 76-77F. helps. lowering the salinity might help but it is hard to say what specific thing is ****ing off your scolymia. One thing I have tried in the past to help LPS is a melafix dip for bac. one gal of tank water and 5ml melafix for 3 min. good luck

03/01/2007, 06:05 PM
Our temp is usally 78 with lights out and 80 with lights on. It has been creeping a little higher when the days are warmer, but this was happening before, but I'm sure it doesn't help at this point.

Thanks for the melefix idea:)

03/02/2007, 12:58 PM
Okay, had a duh moment last night. I'm wondering if I should move it to a lower flow area (still trying to find one). I don't know that the flow was the cause, but I wonder if it would help it recover better. The trachy brain in the same area isn't reacting negatively to the flow, so I didn't think it was too bad, but now I have to wonder if it would at least help.