View Full Version : Overly Fat Wrasse

02/22/2007, 07:18 PM
I have a six lined Wrasse that over the last 2 weeks+ has started to get really fat.... his lower belly is white and bloated like he can't poop.

I am wondering if anyone has had this happen to a wrasse before? He is getting worse and worse. I am actually surprised he can still swim his scales around his belly are actually sticking out it is so bad.

He's still pretty fast and this was the best pic I could get of him with the flash...

02/23/2007, 09:52 AM
HI KURTIS I AM A KOI BREEDER...I know fw fish get this desease ..the name of this desease is dropsy, and dropsy, can occur.also known as " PINECONE DISEASE" dropsy results from a serios internal infection that has attacked the fish kidney. the fish swells so much that its scales stick out like a pinecone. by this time, it's usually too late. the fish will die......good luck bro..

02/23/2007, 10:11 AM

Is it contagious? Do you know any place online I could get more information about the disease?

02/23/2007, 11:41 AM
no this is not contagious .........this can happen when the fish get hurt.a simple scrape.or brushing past objects . this happen when the fish break its skin.lesions invite bacteria to grow, causing ulcers.infections and dropsy.

Hattie B
02/23/2007, 02:13 PM

he might also have a very bad case of internal worms, that haas caused a blockage and he can not deficate.

02/23/2007, 02:44 PM
WOW ............hattie you r a genious....................