View Full Version : CB who won't eat anything prepared

02/17/2007, 10:47 PM
Hi all,

As I indicated some time ago, we have a Coral Beauty that has been in our display tank for a month now, but has yet to eat ANYTHING prepared. It does graze constantly on the LR, and even the glass an tubings, but I worry that it's getting enough to eat.

We've regularly feed dried spirula, frzn brine, frzn mysis and chopped krill, and frzn blood worms. All are soaked in garlic. We also feed Nori and lettuce, but it's not interested in that either.

We do have plenty of Coraline algae convering most of the LR, but again...is that enough? Has anyone else had luck with getting a picky angel eating?

Thanks in advance,

02/18/2007, 02:38 AM
You could try some Formula 2, but until the angel has stripped the live rock, it might not need or want anything else. Is it losing weight?

02/18/2007, 11:09 AM
My CB won't eat flake or pellet food. It took it a few weeks before it started eating the nori strips. I think it was forging on the algae in the tank until it ate most of the alage it likes.
It also eats Ocean Nutrition "Pygmy Angel" frozen food.

My CB usually won't eat while I am watching. I have to watch from across the room or just trust that if the food disappears the CB ate it (It is the only fish in the tank right now).

02/18/2007, 11:31 AM
Sometimes with new fish they will only eat live brine because that's what the LFS fed them. I slowly ween them off of that so they'll eat other foods. I still feed live brine a couple times a week but that's not enough to sustain healthy fish as I'm sureyou know. Try feeding them live brine soaked in zoecon or selcon. If they eat that, feed them every two or three days but offer them nori, flake or frozen food in between. Slowly decrease the frequency of the live food. By this time they'll be used to eating the other stuff and you can ween them off.

02/18/2007, 12:55 PM
i had the same problem with a simalar drawf angel fish. my elbi for 3 weeks would only eat micro algae from the rocks and walls of the tank. i thought for sure he wasn't going to make it. then one day i saw him nibble at some nori my tang was eating so i put some in for him and over about a week he ate more and more. then he slowly began to nibble at brine and mysis and other foods i feed the tank, now he eats just about anything . bottom line just give him some time and keep making offerings and he will soon begin to eat.

02/18/2007, 02:23 PM
Thats wierd. C.B's are noted to be about the easiest angels to feed........along with the flames.
My C.B eats EVERYTHING. I feed predominantly flake food, with a feeding of frozen a few times a week. He likes the frozen, but eats like pig when the flakes start to fly! My Scopas tang is the exact same way. Its like feeding frenzy when its feeding time. Twice a day on a auto flake feeder. I am feeding a mix of the "Tetra" marine flakes and "Tetra" Spirulina flakes. ALL the fish in the tank are eating this up like mad. My Scopas tang and C.B. Angel wont even touch nori or romane lettuce on the clip!

Have you tried flake food?

Good luck.........Herbie

02/18/2007, 03:01 PM
My C.B. eats every thing, I feed him flake(formula 2), Frozen formula 2, brine shrimp and myiss shrimp. Even eat seaweed select when I put some in

02/18/2007, 07:39 PM
Hi all,

Thank you for the responses so far.

BERTONI - Funny enough, the angel is not losing weight at all. It still looks plump, and has vibrant colours, and it's very active. It quite literally is constantly eating, but so far it seems to be enough, I just worry that it will be long term. As an aside, it doesn't seem to be anywhere close to exhausting the Coraline algae. I wonder whether it's looking for specific types of microalgae, as sometimes it is pecking in areas where there doesn't "look" like there's any algae I can see.

HERBIE - Yes, the Spirulina is flake food, but like everything else we feed, the angel goes over to the feeding "corner" looks at what's coming down and seems to say "Ahhh, no thanks" and starts grazing on a nearby rock! At least it does continue to notice that it's feeding time, which is good I guess.

I have ordered some Formula 2, and I'll look at the Pygmy Angel food, thanks for the suggestions.

Live Brine - how do you suggest handing this? I was just at the LFS, and saw both live brine eggs (about $6.99) and hatched live brine shrimp ($19.99). If we do this, should I try the hatched brine first, so that I don't need one of those "hatchery" do-dads, or should I use my 5.5 gallon tank to be a hatchery? (but then that means buying another heater). Any suggestions appreciated!

Thx again guys....love this forum!
Steph :-)

02/19/2007, 05:49 PM
Well, I think the angel likes the live rock cuisine more than the prepared foods. Fair enough! :) I wouldn't worry until the angel starts losing weight.