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View Full Version : Skimmer recommendations

02/16/2007, 09:29 PM
I have a system now with around 200 gallons total, and I will be upgrading soon to a system with around 400 gallons total.
I am looking for some skimmer help, I don't want to buy junk for this kind of potential money. I've been looking at the AquaC EV series, and the Euro-Reef RS Series, any comments?


02/17/2007, 01:58 AM
With that upgrade in mind, the ATi Bubblemaster 250 would be a better fit for now and later after your upgrade.

02/17/2007, 03:48 AM
I have loved all my Aqua C skimmers. The pull massive amounts of skimmate. Energy Consumption is worse than needle wheels but it's not that bad. Skimmate production on mine have been awesome because I like to overdrive the skimmers. It is not the skimmer you want if you want plug and play.
If I was to change over to a needle/thread wheel skimmer, the upcoming ATI BM300 would be my choice. The BM skimmers are the only skimmers of this type that have skimmate production that I would be happy with. I am an SPS guy, so I tend to what some may call overskimm the tank.

02/18/2007, 01:38 PM
turbo flotor 5000 from aqua-medic