View Full Version : can a fish die in 20 seconds?

02/03/2007, 02:18 AM
Well I dont know why I'm asking because I know the answer.

Some of you know about my MYSTERY WRASSE - killer of one 1 blue star leopard wrasse, 1 radiant wrasse, 1 yellow coris wrasse, 1 black leopard wraase, 1 lineatus wrasse, 1 chevron tank, I watched as it ate 1 skunk cleaner shrimp literally within 10 seconds of my adding it to the tank, and the other cleaner shrimp was missing the next day, almost killed the christmas wrasse I added within a day before I captured it and gave it someone else, and suspect in the deaths of a few other gobies as well - has passed on tonight.

I was doing a water change tonight. Something freaked the guy out and it came FLYING out of the tank while I was siphoning, grazed my head, and BAM! smacked on the ground. I had it picked up with a net and back in the tank within 20 secs, AND IT WAS DEAD ALREADY!! What the heck! Must have died on impact. Have you ever heard of something so crazy?

How can a fish die in 20 seconds?

I have to say the mystery wrasse dying makes me mad, but not too sad. It has killed SO MANY FISH and has been a terror in my tank. Of course, I'd still didnt want it to die. I had no intention of putting it my the new tank once it's set up, but I was going to keep it in the prop tank anyway.

02/03/2007, 02:24 AM
It was pursued by the ghosts of his victims, hurled himself to his justified doom, and yes, it's called massive brain trauma. Instant. Humane. Don't regret it too much.

tom obrecht
02/03/2007, 06:26 AM
Even though it was probably a costly and successful suicide, the rest of the fish in the tank just gave a big sigh of relief.

02/03/2007, 11:33 AM
Well that sucks!!! All the deaths you put up with knowing that bas@#$%rd was not going into new tank and now it dies...

Gem Tang Rider
02/03/2007, 12:43 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9147559#post9147559 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by johns

I was doing a water change tonight. Something freaked the guy out and it came FLYING out of the tank while I was siphoning, grazed my head, and BAM! smacked on the ground.

You were lucky you didn't loose an eye, or worse. I really believe, you were to be the next in it's long list of victims.

02/03/2007, 02:04 PM
It probobly wasn't dead, but knocked out cold from the fall

either way, chances of survival were not good

02/03/2007, 03:47 PM
I have to agree with prugs on this one. It is a good thing you ducked when you did.

02/03/2007, 07:42 PM
crazy story. at least now you can add other fish.

02/03/2007, 09:04 PM
You were lucky you didn't loose an eye, or worse. I really believe, you were to be the next in it's long list of victims.

You might be right there. And that would have been difficult for my wife to figure out when she gets home from vacation in a couple days. I dont know if they'd be able to figure out how that fish got lodged in my forehead.

Gem Tang Rider
02/03/2007, 09:11 PM
Add up the cost of all those dead fish. Maybe a gem tang is in your future, or a black tang?

02/03/2007, 09:20 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9152450#post9152450 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by prugs
Add up the cost of all those dead fish. Maybe a gem tang is in your future, or a black tang?

Yes. I have been meaning to do that for a while, even while it was still alive.

I'll need a calculator. And probably a drink too. I'll be right back.

02/03/2007, 10:18 PM
confirmed murders:
yellow coris wrasse - $20
radiant wrasse - $45
blue star leopard - $45
black leopard - $45
chevron tang - $80
2 x cleaner shrimp - $30

these deaths are suspect and not confirmed murders, although the mystery wrasse likely had at least something to do with it:
lineatus wrasse - $200
couple gobies - $40

and then add in the cost of the fish itself:
mystery wrasse - $100 (I got a killer deal on it...har har!!)

And I get:
$265 in confirmed deaths
$605 with unconfirmed deaths and the mystery wrasse itself added in

Now how do I permanently delete this post so my wife doesn't see it?

Gem Tang Rider
02/03/2007, 11:06 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9152929#post9152929 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by johns
$605 with unconfirmed deaths and the mystery wrasse itself added in

Now how do I permanently delete this post so my wife doesn't see it?

Too late!
Copy/paste/sent :lol: