View Full Version : What is this on my Coral Beauty?

01/29/2007, 08:55 PM
My CB has white spots and one fin has them all over. Sorry the pic is blury-best I can do as it will not stop swimming around.

<img src="http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/7355/ichxm6.jpg" border="0" /></a>

01/29/2007, 09:55 PM
What are you water parameters, and in particular ammonia? Looks like either fin burn (from high ammonia) or a mixed-bag bacterial infection (which may or may not be related to poor water quality).

01/29/2007, 10:14 PM
Parameters are all 0, 1.025 sg, 8.3ph, 450 calcium

01/30/2007, 01:54 AM
How long had you had the fish? And are there any aggressive fish (inverts) in the system? Since the fin rays appear to be poking out, it suggests that the skin between the rays is receding. This usually happens when damage occurs from water quality (as suggested) or aggression. Opportunistic bacteria then settle in and cause the tissue to become necrotic, which is usually the white stuff that you see. In FW this is often associated with fungus, but fungus is very rare in SW. If the water parameters are fine, you might consider moving the fish to a Q tank and given it a topical (i.e. added to the water) treatment with Maracyn II SW.

01/30/2007, 08:49 AM
I have placed the fish in QT and added some Mardel Coppersafe. I think I am also going to add the Maracyn II SW.

I have had the fish for about a month. My water params have not shifted since it was added, so I don't think it was caused by poor water quality, but you never know I guess.

Anyways, he was swimming around like normal this morning. I plan to pick up the Maracyn II SW this afternoon and will start dosing this evening.

If it is a bacterial infection and not ich, how long do you usually treat the fish in a QT environment? Should I have any special water params, like a specific sg?

01/30/2007, 08:56 AM
I was just reading the Mardel website. Maracyn and Maracyn II (saltwater versions) says this:

Recommended for the treatment of Popeye, gill disease, fin and tail rot, dropsy, septicemia, secondary and internal infections. Contains B complex vitamins that stimulate metabolism to improve appetite.

Symptoms of clamped fins, general listlessness, not eating or other unusual behavior can be caused by internal infections and treatment with Maracyn-Two would be indicated

I am not sure my fish actually has any of these, aside from possible secondary and internal infections. The fish is eating and is swimming around the QT tank like it normally does. It does not appear drowsy and doesn't look like it is trying to scratch or rub anything. I am so confused. :confused:

01/30/2007, 09:02 AM
Here is a little better picture.

<img src="http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/8651/ichgp6.jpg">

01/30/2007, 09:10 AM
OK, I have been looking around the net this morning at fish disease pictures and am now thinking this is not ich. The spots on my fish are white and look raised or a little puffy. They are not fine spots like ich appears to be. They are larger white spots, like the size of a grain of 1-2mm aragonite sand.

01/30/2007, 09:42 AM
OK, I am pretty sure I know what it is now. The only question that remains is what do I do about it? Should I dose something, leave the fish in QT, or release him back to the main tank?

Here is a link I found on this forum and this appears to be exactly what I am seeing:


Hattie B
01/30/2007, 01:05 PM
Hi Fishy,

Your fish does appear to have Lymph, which can be quite common in Angels.

There is actually no 'cure' for lymph, good water quality. Check your para's again, do a water change and feed good food and he should heal up fine.

Sometimes it kinda spontaneously just goes away.

Edit; I should also say that you do need to keep an eye on him becuase if it got really bad like around his mouth or sotmhing like that; open sores then a secondary infection can occur.

But more often then not they will clean up.

Even though you said your params were fine, its usually cuase by poor water quality.

Good luck

01/30/2007, 11:19 PM
We'll the pictures are a bit fuzzy, with little resolution. Could very well be lymphocystis. The lesions look like raised bits of cauliflower and are often seen on the fins, but also on the body. Because you can see the fish up close you are in the best position to assess this. Lymphocystis is pretty unmistakable - so hopefully you've sorted out the diagnosis. It's caused by a virus and is usually brought on by stress, but not always. As Hattie noted, there is not treatment. The best course of action is to do everything to reduce stress: ensure you water quality is spot on and feed high quality, fresh food. My advice would be to go for some of the frozen brands that include a vitamin supplement, which will help boost the immune system and promote wound healing. The reason I asked how long you had the fish is that problems such as these (and other ailments) are often legacy issues from capture, shipping, holding in the LFS and then transfer to your tank - all of which can take it's toll! The good news is that Lymphocystis is fairly benign and very rarely pathogenic so your fish should pull through. Having said that, the fins still look a little ragged to me (again hard to say from the photo). So, if you do have the fish in Q, you may want to try a course of the Maracyn II to help prevent a bacterial infection from setting in. I would stay avoid the use of coppersafe, as the therapeutic margin is very narrow and it is clearly not indicated in this case.

Good luck with it.