View Full Version : cyclop-eeze use

01/27/2007, 01:00 PM
How do you use cyclop-eeze? I bought some thinking that there would some sort of instructions, but nothing. I planned on using it to target feed some coarls, should I do this or just feed the tank?

01/27/2007, 01:01 PM
i just break off a lil chunk and throw it in sometimes i just stick the bar in the water and let some of it melt away

01/27/2007, 01:08 PM
some people use a Knife and shave a 1/4" inch chunk off and let it melt in a bowl with tank water and spot feed with a turkey baster to spot feed . be careful that you dont squeeze it out very fast like a gush or the coral can "close up" so to speak

01/27/2007, 01:09 PM
What I do is dissolve it in a glass of tankwater and use a turkey baster to target feed my candy cane and sun corals at night when the polyps are out. Did you get the frozen or the dried kind?

01/27/2007, 01:11 PM
frozen i hope frozen is the stuff

01/27/2007, 01:18 PM
ya frozen is much better IMO

01/27/2007, 01:51 PM
I use the dried ones in the can. I soak it in small amount of tank water until it is saturated. I sometimes add garlic juice to the mix(if you have liquid vitamin such as selcon, this will be a good time to add it but I never tried selcon yet). I feed small portions at a time, making sure there is as little waste/leftover as possible.