View Full Version : i have had a revelation!

01/27/2007, 09:56 AM
yes, yes!! now i remember!!! now i remember why i have large animals!!!

i have llamas because, well, they're sweet, soft and they produce wonderful fertilizer for the flowers.

i have tuffy because, well, i've had him for almost 21 years. i can't imagine not having him.

i have rebel because, well, the minute he laid eyes on me back in october, he screamed TAKE ME HOME!!! yeah, that's why i have rebel.

i don't have large animals because i actually like getting up every morning hours before the buttcrack of dawn when normal, civilized people are still in bed with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads.

i don't have large animals because i actually like being outside in total darkness hunting the ever-elusive horse turds and finding them firmly frozen to the ground.

i don't have large animals because i actually like throwing my back out of whack on an almost-daily basis while i throw 60 pound bales of hay off the top of the stack, all the while trying not to trip over a piece of baling wire and landing on my keester 20 feet below.

i don't have large animals because i actually like it when those-who-shall-remain-nameless call me at supper time and tell me they are only a quarter of a mile away and are on their way here to let the baby sit on rebel so they can take cutsey pictures.

i don't have large animals because i actually like fighting a losing battle with the stock tank heater on a frigid, windy january day when the pilot light REFUSES to stay lit.

i don't have large animals because i actually like having to take 30 minutes to put layer after layer after layer of clothing on just to try to stay even half-way warm this time of year.

i don't have large animals because i actually like not being able to feel the tips of my fingers for 2 hours after i come inside and spend 30 minutes removing the layer after layer after layer of clothing i put on just to try to stay warm this time of year.

okay, remind me again. why do i have large animals???

01/27/2007, 10:00 AM
I'm pretty clueless on the whole subject. :D

01/27/2007, 10:07 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9087420#post9087420 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Nina51

okay, remind me again. why do i have large animals???

Could it have something to do with always haveing something to complain about, take care of and love all at the same time?

(like a big kid that can't talk back)

01/27/2007, 10:12 AM
Tastes like chicken?

01/27/2007, 10:48 AM
Because they love you, even if you do look funny with layer after layer after layer of clothes on making your butt look big! :D

01/27/2007, 11:05 AM
LOL carrie! thankfully, llamas and horses don't give a rat's patoot how big my butt looks! :D