View Full Version : How often?

01/17/2007, 05:18 PM
Hey guys, I was wondering how often do you feed your fish. Everyday? every other? and how much do you feed them, and what? Thanks guys.

01/17/2007, 05:28 PM
I have a 55g tank, current occupants are a pair of ocellaris clowns, a 6-line wrasse, a bannana wrasse, a scooter blenny, and a green mandarin. I used to house a breeding pair of Bangaii's and a Coral beauty in there as well, since both have recently been relocated (the pair to their own tank, the CB to fishyheaven) I'll give you the feeding I was doing on all them together.

I'd stick 2 frozen cubes (usually mysis & krill, but also supplement reef plankton as well) and I'd thaw these out in 1/2 cup of phytoplankton (cultured by me) and use that to feed about twice in a day. Between those feedings I would sporatically stick a smidge of the New Life Spectrum: Thera A pellets for everyone.

naturally the mandarin ignored all this food, and the bangaii's do not eat the pellets much. I also considered this overfeeding, but alot of the overfed stuff makes it's way to my refugium where the amphipods in there go nuts over it all. Nitrates and Phosphates stay 0ppm consitantly, thanks to the cheato refugium.

I recommend feeding on a daily basis, usually 2-3 times per day, depending on the age of the fish. If it's a young juvinile, I'd feed a little more often. You have to think, in natures reefs, fish are constantly in search of a meal, as the case with my mandarin, he spends all day long searching out food. If you feed every few days or so, any potential pairs of fish you have will spend there free time looking for food instead of interacting naturally with one another. I see this with my bangaii's if there not fed enough. Since I want them spawning, I feed em more than anyone and stick mainly with live foods (brine supplements) and frozen cubes.

As for the phytoplankton I dose, this is used on a daily basis to feed any filter feeders (crocea, pods, feather dusters, ect. ect.) in my tank. The added pod population helps feed the wrasses some and the mandarin and scooter.

Hope that helps.

01/17/2007, 05:28 PM

That thread has a lot of information on feeding, both for corals and fish.

01/17/2007, 05:29 PM

I have a Snowflake eel that I feed once every 3 days. We give him fresh squid, clam and frozen krill. He lets me know when he's full and won't take any more from the stick.

I also have a Moon Wrasse (who would eat constantly if I let him) and a Clownfish. I give these guys a little in the morning and a little in the evening. Combination of flake food and frozen brine and mysis shrimp.


01/17/2007, 06:06 PM
Well I have a 40g fish tank with right now..3 damsels fish and a diamond goby. I also have a clean up crew. But I tested my water today and the ammonia was not good, and I was wondering if its cause how I am feeding them. I have frozen bloodworms that I give them, and I do a cube a day. Is that over feeding? I feel like I keep having problems with my fish tank when all I want is to have it look good, I've been back and forth with this thing for a long period and still nothing, no coral just rock and sand and those fish and clean up crew. I don't know whats up, but helping me with that one problem would help

01/17/2007, 07:25 PM
How big is the cube? That sounds like a huge amount of food. I'd start with maybe 1/4 of a cube of frozen Formula 1 or less, for that size tank, as one point of reference. A more varied diet would likely be good as well. Amquel can help with reducing ammonia toxicity, although it'll confuse test kits.

01/17/2007, 07:50 PM
35" length

19" height

12' width