View Full Version : Help with some pests

01/14/2007, 06:26 PM
Before I set up my 75 in the new house to move everything out of my 125 I want to get rid of what I call some pests. I have over 200 tulip anemones & they have become quite a pest. I also have a gazillion stupid little worm feather dusters. They are also every where & look like crap.

Ideas other then kalk everything individually


01/14/2007, 06:28 PM
joes juice

01/14/2007, 06:31 PM
I told you man sell all them suckers on ebay! For how many you have you could just about buy all new rock for you BIG tank with that $$$!


01/14/2007, 06:41 PM
ya but you have to get them off the rocks & everything. How do I use the Joe's Juice?

01/14/2007, 06:53 PM
Hammer and Chisel! I'm sure Jason can show you how to do that!

You just use a syringe and inject them with it. Kalk works good on them, I think you can inject them with vinegar as well. Just don't kalk to many at once.

01/14/2007, 07:10 PM
LOL if your going to kalk tulips you should pack a lunch. From personal experience you would be better off taking pics of the area you are going to kalk, kalk once, wait a week and then kalk again. They have a tendency to come back after the first dose....two or three really does some damage. Oh and mix it THICK so I would only paste 10 to 15 in a 125 at a time.....HTH Jason

01/14/2007, 08:14 PM
Yeah, I make a thick passte and put it into a dropper and make sure there isn't a lot of current where you're going to apply it. Then just squeeze it on thickly so every inch of the anemone is covered. If your paste is nice and thick, and there isn't a ton of current/flow there, the paste will sit there and make sure it's dead. They're a problem you really have to nip in the bud and be vigilant about or they can quickly take over a tank........ I hate them, I can't believe people will buy them on ebay. Of course, I just sold my Seaclone on Ebay for $43.00, so I shouldn't complain too much ;)

01/14/2007, 08:31 PM
I would find someone that wants them and get rid of the rock or better yet trade it for some bare rock. I would also consider trading the rock out for new from a LFS.

01/14/2007, 08:42 PM
From what Bob told me, if you microwave some tank water (get it really hot) and shoot/inject them it works well.

01/14/2007, 09:03 PM
joes juice worked on some tulips I had plus a ton of aiptasia (Sp?) - just shake the bottle and inejct. I have had three out of maybe 50 aiptasia's reappear on me ....