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Old 01/05/2008, 11:11 AM
ArgonDreams ArgonDreams is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 318
The one thing thing that bothers me about this whole thing... How many of you are re-mixing the salts prior to mix on the entire bucket?

During shipment the salts settle into strata. I typically take 2 empty dry buckets and split my new salt between them and mix them back and forth until I get a true mix again. When I have not done this my testing shows very different levels depending on where I pulled from the bucket. (typically low Ca/Alk on the top of the bucket).

Do those of you who have had bad Ca measurements tried mixing the bucket back up prior to using the salt? Typically you only need to re-mix the salt initially since it's the multiple shipping and vibrations the bucket gets cause it to settle in this manner.

I would be curious to see if all or none of you do this recommended procedure?

For those that don't get what I am talking about, think of it like a bucket of rocks of different sizes (Which is essentially what this is) Give it anywhere from 7-10 days of vibration (Shipment) and then look into the bucket they will sort themselves into layers.