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Old 05/16/2006, 11:27 PM
ShadowViper ShadowViper is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Posts: 293
OMG @ NorthernCF,
My bro and myself had diamond backs in the early 80's, parents paid like 200 bucks for them, My bro's got stolen in the early 90's, so the homeowners did like a bluebook thing on it and came out to over a Grand. I am suprised anyone even remembers those bikes.
Oh btw, I shouldnt of used had since I still have mine at my parents storage.

Not to be completely off topic, I have met steve a couple of times and he is a good guy. What ppl don't take into consideration is that it costs to keep a facility running and not all the corals he brings in live. As for his corals they are gorgeous and healthy (seeing these first hand from his facility). Usually he will hold a specimen for months before he releases it to the public, this insures one thing over going to just a normal LFS- survivability.
The corals that alot of LFS's stock up on are purchased through wholesellers that have recieved them from natural collections. And unfortunately not all corals survive the transition from natural enviroments to our aquariums.
There are a few instances also where a very uncommon/rare specimen comes in and like anything new, the person who discovers it has the right to name it. There are other types of corals that aren't LE's that i see posted by other members on these forums that run $100+, so its not fair to bash someone who has made a living working with corals. He does do lectures and such around the US. So clearly people out there have acknowledge that the man has some skill with what he does.
Think as his corals like you would diamonds. You can get jewelry with diamonds from almost anywhere, but there is a difference between a Tiffany's diamond and the ones sold at walmart.
And btw steve doesn't live like a millionare or anything like that he is just a normal guy like most those on these forums, I am sure there are many more ppl that make more money off this hobby then he does.

Last edited by ShadowViper; 05/16/2006 at 11:52 PM.