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Old 01/11/2008, 06:06 AM
hansnfrans hansnfrans is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: West Chicago
Posts: 2,603
Bump for a great seller and great prices!

Here's a pic of my Octo NW-200 without a mesh-mod (after 24hrs of skimming):

Here's a pic of my other Octo NW-200 (that I got from Aquaticman74) that has the mesh-mod (after 18hrs of skimming):

Very pleased with the performance of the new skimmer. You can tell that the skimmate on the mesh-modded skimmer is alot darker. Thanks again Mike!
On this historic day, we remember the Wright brothers, Orville and Redenbaucher, whose dreams and visions inspired generations.