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Old 03/22/2007, 05:25 AM
Rossini Rossini is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 246
Man,you're so thick. Anyone can see that.

Basicly what we want is countrys aroud the world to start generating power in better ways. By not burning fossil fuels which is a major contributer to GW & Climate change.

Can you not see that its a good thing? Are you that pig headed and ignorant? It's pathetic that all you do is call people hypcrites for having a reef tank. cant you see it would'nt be any different if we didnt have a reef tank we would still need electricity for our homes.

It's not so much how you use it,but how you make it.

Last edited by Rossini; 03/22/2007 at 05:52 AM.