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Old 06/24/2005, 05:21 PM
zfunk007 zfunk007 is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, South Florida, East Coast
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Well contrary to popular belief, getting them to eat doesn't seem to be the problem. The problem (from what we've been able to figure out in this forum) is "what" you feed them. You need to give them a varied diet including sponge (preferably live), enrich their food with vitamins and feed them multiple times a day if possible.

Something else that Paul B brought up is that in the wild they are almost always found in pairs. This may have something to do with the fact that they don't normally do well in captivity. Perhaps they need to be in a mated pair to survive long periods of time in captivity. If my Idol for some reason dies, my next attempt will be a mated pair.

Also they love to swim. They are like Tangs to the extreme. My Idol never stops moving, ever. Therefore you should have a very large tank to house one in. I think one of the main problems with people keeping them is that they are most commonly kept in tanks that are 200 gallons or less. Not that one can't live in a tank under 200 gallons but I think that the bigger the tank you have the greater your chances are of keeping one for along period of time.

I am no expert on Moorish Idols (although i'd like to become one). But this is what i've learned so far. Hope this somewhat answers your question. Anyone else feel free to chime in on anything I may have missed.