Thread: Sea Fans
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Old 12/26/2007, 08:27 AM
ReefArtist ReefArtist is offline
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I believe and I’m not alone on this thought, the only way to remotely keep the non-photosynthetic gorgonians is with a very large tank or equipment stated below. Calfo, Fenner and others believe having the corals in a species-specific display tank connected to the larger will allow feeding and proper water flow. To feed these azoozanthellate specimens in a traditional tank with zoozanthellate corals is almost impossible. The problem comes in the feeding of these corals as they require VERY heavy feedings. I’m able to heavy feed my Diodogorgia and others because all flow will go into my other 500g+ tanks and feed other corals without the irritating and burden (water quality) small tanks would suffer from (algae growth which is deadly to gorgonians). Most underestimate the amount of water flow and heavy feeding to sustain these filter feeding inverts. Normally the laminar water flow that is required and the high volume will put so much stress on other reef inverts they will ultimately die. I’ve been there and tried everything to keep these alive in a normal display tank. After talking with experts and reading numerous articles and books on the subject I have found it mainly impossible. The main point is staying alive for say 18 months while starving is not success. That said, this is how we learn – by not making the same mistakes as others before us. Lots of reefers keep Deodronephthya alive for years now that we have the proper foods available, but they are larger mouth inverts and are much easier to feed. Gorgonians have much different requirements, water flow, lighting and feeding.

They require nearly continuous plankton drips (at least this is the thought) for filter-feeding gorgonians. The flow must be adjusted according to how the polyps respond to the changing flow. Then you have the pattern of the flow and from what I understand laminar flow is best for gorgonians that are in the shape of a fan or flat surface. For the other gorgonians it’s more turbulent flow.

As far as lighting – from my understanding most are found in deep waters or under cliffs. They may tolerate higher light but that also brings more algae and the death of the gorgonian.

I feed mine very heavy with rotifers, baby brine and marine snow. From feeding other corals they also are getting Phytoplankon,

Equipment required to handle the feeding of azooaanthellate gorgonians would be a very good protein skimmer, RDSB to handle the high nitrates, lots of flow and water changes. You need equipment to export all the nutrients and high nitrates of greater than 5ppm is not good. Having these inverts in a tank for 2 years is not success; these inverts in their natural environment live for decades, not months.
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