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Old 01/11/2008, 01:37 PM
marsh marsh is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 334

In your mind would it be OK to mix a batch of seawater to the same salinity as the bag water and then take the new fish/coral straight from the bag to the new mixed batch? I have some anecdotal experience that suggest this is OK.

I recently had a self inflicted emergency in one tank which was treated with Flat Worm Exit. Because of the toxins released, I emergently transfered all of my corals to a smaller tank of the same salinity without any acclimatation at all. The other tank was too small to save the fish but all of the transfered corals survived the day. I believe the temps were simular that day, but did not check, I only assured myself the salinities were the same.

I am wondering if this is the way that new live stock should be introduced. What other precautions would you recommend with the assumption of needing to verify the salinity of the shipped bag? What precautions if you mix the new seawater the day of arrival?