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Old 12/17/2007, 02:46 PM
Nina51 Nina51 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: 5th floor, Illinois
Posts: 138
Originally posted by TheBimbo
Nina- If your not wanting a car, then I'd go with the Santa Fe or the Jeep- I've been in a minivan forever and I am not comfy sitting on the ground... I've gotten so used to sitting up a bit higher and I feel like I'm on the ground in my son's car.

I'd bet a buck that you'll love either the Santa Fe or the Jeep

Ohhh, and are you the one that mooned my hubby a few years back???

if your hubby was mooned 37 years ago then yeah, that was me.

the problem with a lot of the suggestions here is that the only dealers are a minimum of 2 hours away in any direction. it didn't occur to me to mention that when i started this thread.

so even though, beerguy, you have had no problems with your hyundai vehicles, i don't think it would be feasible for me to consider something like that since if i DID have problems or even for regular servicing, i would have to travel a significant distance plus it would involve an entire day just for an oil change. i dunno....hmmmm....

i'm not looking at anything new. i can happily settle for pre-owned and in fact, it's pretty much all i've ever had except for my big, loaded, 4wd, extended cab, towing package truck i had 10 years ago. all i need is something to get me from point A to point B and back, safely. i see no big road trips in my future, that's what God made airplanes and amtrack for.

there's a jeep dealer in the next county, 25 minutes from my home so i may take a jaunt over there in the next few days just to see what's available. i still do like that liberty.

sk8r, how do you train a mini to use a litterpan??
of all the things i've lost, i miss my gary the most.