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Old 10/20/2005, 11:38 AM
BrianPlankis BrianPlankis is offline
Invertebrate Advocate
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,915 this a polyclad flatworm?

Dr Ron,

Hello there. I saw this guy (or its brother/sister) six months ago in my tank and my pictures were too fuzzy for you. I managed to capture it last night, is this a polyclad flatworm?

I didn't find much information on them online, I found this:

It seems their diet can range from algae to clams. Any way of telling what this one eats?

Also, I had to do a flatworm exit treatment on my main tank a couple of weeks ago, it killed off all the small red flatworms, why didn't it take this guy out?


Currently redesigning my 90 gallon tank system to support coral and invertebrate breeding. Click on my red house to see the thread with the progress.