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Old 10/06/2007, 07:49 PM
Machado deSousa Machado deSousa is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Portugal
Posts: 140
Originally posted by nyvp
amazing job. where did you get the original colonies from?
ploughs you afraid if something is brought in that it can wipe it all out being that they ploughs all connected?
Hello nyvp!

All corals I have in my prop came from aquariums I had in my home and actually I have no aquariums at my home anymore. Sometimes I change some corals with friends and I use to go to Germany to buy some that are hard to find in my town. I went there twice and brought about 20 species.
About diseases or plagues that's true we always have a contamination risk when some new thing enters in our aquariums but as a prevention measure I disinfect the new chorales with products that contains iodine like Seachem Reef Dip, for example.


Machado de Sousa