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Old 02/08/2005, 03:29 PM
Perschmoo Perschmoo is offline
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i hate smokers who smoke is public and try to justify why they should be able to with every excuse in the book. it is child abuse to force your kids to sit through it. i love how 'special' we all think we are. so 'special' that we can't take responsibility for our actions. who is that attorney general anyway that has this 'proof' smoking is bad? hmmmm, those studies must be rigged. gotta love the thought of 'those are my kids, i own them, so i can raise them how i see fit. if i choose to smoke in a car, knowing the results are harmful to them, so be it, i OWN them.' great line of thought. what i always love is the, i quit while i was pregnant. ok so you showed some responsibility, why not carry it out? as a parent and an adult, you make sacrifices, it is a choice so wake up.