Thread: Nina...
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Old 12/09/2007, 07:22 AM
Reefcherie Reefcherie is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Ocala, FL
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Here I am again, reading the latest updates to this thread and wondering why I keep getting drawn back to it - considering how much I've cried...but then I remember that I've also laughed and been amazed too - at the outpouring of warmth through cyberspace. I haven't posted...just have quietly sent out my prayers and warm thoughts.

I guess I am posting now Nina because, for what little good it does for you, I realize that what draws me back to this thread is that I care. The courage you've shown by sharing your story, your hopes, your sorrows and everything in between has made me care about you and Gary. You've touched my heart, reminded me to cherish my own husband and loved ones just a little more and to treasure each moment together. Thank you for that.

Gary sounds like an amazing man who has left behind a lasting legacy of love that sets a wonderful example to all that knew him or read this thread. Though I haven't met you, and perhaps never will, YOU sound like an equally amazing woman that will eventually pass through your current sorrow - at your own pace and will move on to a bright tomorrow full of memories that focus only on the very best of your past with Gary.

A hundred years from now the world may be different because you were important in the life of a child.