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Old 01/02/2008, 10:07 AM
marsh marsh is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 334
Without any real optics knowledge I think....

Light flux drops off in proportion distance squared for point sources of light

Reflectors in large degree are supposed to make the light rays parallel rather than diverging as in a point source. So the choice of reflector will alter calculations. You might assume that a good reflector, Lumenarc or Lumen Bright, that the rays are parrallel.

Light is absorbed by seawater differentially according to wave length in accordance to Beer-Lambert law. This drop off is exponential. Longer wavelengths have a higher aborption coefficient than shorter (blue) wavelengths in general. Dissolved or suspended organic matter and phytoplankton will have some specific wavelengths absorbed preferentially.

Probable the attenuation of PAR in aquariums follows an exponential loss via Beer-Lambert.

Last edited by marsh; 01/02/2008 at 10:38 AM.