Thread: insomnia
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Old 01/11/2008, 10:44 PM
JokerGirl JokerGirl is offline
Where the future begins!
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Posts: 874
What's wrong with having morbid thoughts?

There are lots of things that cause insomnia and I will agree that depression and anxiety are top causes. I think several insomniacs on here would agree that they would rather not sleep than take anti-depressants, though.

My sleep disturbances are neither caused by depression nor anxiety, but more from a hyper-active, overly-analytical mind that will not stop. Usually, the only way to get my brain to slow down and concentrate (or stop) is by shaking my foot/leg. Redirecting the excess energy gives my brain a rest long enough to sleep and I will do that the entire time I'm sleeping. I've also been yelled at multiple times for doing it through exams.

I'd rather not sleep than be on a bunch of pills. Through deep-breathing and mediation, I've learned how to be in a waking-sleep that usually gets me the rest I need. Cutting out caffeine has helped a lot as well, too.
"I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return."

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