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Old 11/21/2002, 12:02 AM
6-line 6-line is offline
The Original 6-line
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Florence, KY--across the river from Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 2,170
Remember when the umbiquitious reply "Because I said so" was enough? When it wasn't politically incorrect to give a reply without an answer?
You didn't have to conjour up a lame excuse to reflect the compassion you felt as an adult and the guardian, the ruler, the executioner of corporal punishment, a lame excuse to explain something that really wasn't necesarily necesary to explain?

Long before Game Cube and 356 channels and (gotta recall this) no air conditoning in the blazing humid Julys when it was colder outside in 95 degrees than inside and you found something to do or it was found for you...(weed that weed choked garden)

When kids behave decently (for a change) and inquire "Now what do you owe me"....
When Saturday Mornings were the only time for cartoons...
When Steve Austin was barely alive...
When there was a real starship captain....
When the mere threat of 'failing' (now a public school obscenity)was enought to get you to crack open the books; cheat if you had to but never fail. It meant humiliation and being forced to school with kids you were knocking books out of their arms only nine months before...
It meant you didn't fail because you had a desire, a yearning, a downright dreadful fear...of being....held back....

That was fun.

Great thread....


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