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Old 01/11/2008, 08:12 AM
Leeroy Leeroy is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Australia
Posts: 43
Any photo's of him lately?
How big is he?
Does he display this behaviour all of the time, or is it only when he see's you enter the room?
I had a sohal a while back showing the same behaviour, but only when he could see me.
After a while, I put it down to him seeing me as a source of food, as he could see me and I didn't feed him, he was acting the same.
I guessed he may of gone through a growth spurt and was like this as he needed more food, as there probably was not enough algae in the tank for him to graze on.
I doubled the amount of nori, and he has been fine since.
Maybe try feeding him more of his preferred foods or maybe more algae encrusted rocks.

Good luck