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Old 05/11/2007, 06:43 PM
NanoGurl NanoGurl is offline
Girls Rule!
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 2,455
Friday Update! Day 33!

Well today was another big day for the tank. Our new MH lighting system showed up from ReefGeek. Everything was packaged really well and showed up in perfect condition.

We spent the day working on the light system. A problem we have been having is coral bleaching due to shallow tank depth and how strong the 150w bulbs are. THANK GOD we didn't go with the 250's.

To combat this we placed all of the corals on the sand bed and it was fixing the problem. However, with the new fixtures, they would only be a few inches over the water and there is no way that would work right now.

So what we did was make a pvc hanging system over the canopy so we can hang the lights from it for now and gradually lower the lights every week or so. The goal would be to remove the pvc eventually and replace the top back on the canopy. For now though this works

We also placed an order with Live Aquaria and got that today too. More on that in a bit. It was really hot today and running back and forth to Lowes and unpacking supplies got really tiring!

Unloading the supplies for the new light system. The car is messy bc of my dogs shedding.

What's wrong with this photo? 1. You know where my bf's mind is at! 2. I'm carrying all of the supplies! 3. We so need to weed our walkway!