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Old 10/25/2004, 02:17 PM
dwculp dwculp is offline
Robotic Overlord
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Denton, TX
Posts: 1,959
I got the 40 gallon package. I am seriously thinking of turning my small 29 gallon into a reef with TBS rock.

I just found this green brain on a rock. I was doing a little rearranging as I think I had a rock positioned wrong, some of the live stuff seemed to be face down, but with this rock it is SO hard to tell sometimes!!

Another hermit crab:

The big crab - Still cannot get a good pic of him, the rock I moved was his rock and he seems to have left this hole and maybe has found another.

Just did another ammonia/pH test. Ammonia ~0 and pH 8.2.