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Old 04/01/2005, 02:53 AM
NwG NwG is offline
midnight desperado
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Redondo Beach-SoCal
Posts: 1,478
Vicodin farts!!!! Last year I fell 28 feet off a boat on to concrete.. (I know dosen't sound right... was in dry dock) Well I broke my back Didn't Know it at first, but after 3 weeks at work it stil hurt... went to the doctor... puts me on bedrest for 6 weeks... tells me to take like 8 vicoden a day.... WOW.... I have never smelled farts like that... The worst part was I couldn't get away from them...I had a broken back and wasn't allowed to get out of bed very much...If I could I would have run full speed out of the room!!! I had my girlfriend get me a fan.. that helped a little....
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