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Old 01/31/2005, 05:36 PM
Anthony Calfo Anthony Calfo is offline
Parapterois heterura
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 5,141
It's been more than a few years since I read a comparative assays of skimmate quality re: wet vs. dry and between brands.

To generalize though... its not a good vs. bad contrast. Different skimmers and different skimmates (wet vs. dry again) extract different elements. So to some extent its a bit of an apples and oranges issue.

But I will say that is it better, as a rule, to draw darker, dense skimmate rather than wet.

For a skimmer that is pulling too much water, lower the active level (interface between water and foam) by opening the gate valve on the effluent/outgoing side slightly. The drop will make the foam climb higher and dryer. If this halts skimmate production instead of drying it out (darker skimmate) you may need to increase air and/or decrease bubble size as well. If that also does not work, then the problem may be design related (neck too wide for action relative to the air and water volume running through the unit).
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